Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
How to check which shopping cart rules are applied to product?
In magento if we need to check, if any shopping cart rule is applied to the product or not.
To do so we can perform it in a test file in our root folder.
lets perform the same, create a file test.php in root folder and write the below code:
How to get Bundel items from the bundel product in magento?
In Magento, if we are required to check the items of Bundle product for some purpose, then we can do it by following way:
For the same purpose lets check the below code:
< ?php
$product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product();
How to change the Order total in PDF and Add our custom field in magento?
In magento sometimes we are required to apply our own custom fee charges to reflect them when we generate the PDF from invoice in admin panel.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace as Custom and module as Fee.
How to change the Product Price at the time of adding it to cart in Magento?
In Magento sometimes we are required to apply our own custom price on the products while adding to the cart.
To do so we can work upon the event checkout_cart_product_add_after.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module...
How to apply Custom Discount in magento
In magento sometimes we are requiered to apply our own discount on the cart total section.
To do so we can work upon the event sales_quote_collect_totals_after.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace as Custom a...
How to change any attribute value of product in magento
In magento sometimes we are required to change the attribute values of the products.
To do so we can work upon the event catalog_product_load_after.
Lets see how we can do it:
1. Create a module with namespace as Custom and module as...