Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
benefits of using Joomla?
Hello Readers,
Benefits of Joomla:
Joomla is an open source software.
It follow MVC pattern model , view and controller.
Large number of components and extensions are available in joomla.
Joomla allows to update the old joomla version ...
Joomla admin login problem
When we Install Joomla on our machine and we Log into Joomla administrator, after that when we enter the username and password, it will not taken us to the admin page, instead of landing to the admin page we get redirected to the same login page ...
ACL architecture in Joomla 3.x
Hello Readers,
Today we are going to discuss the details about Access Control Lists (ACL) of Joomla 3.x
Access Control List (ACL) specifies which users or system processes are granted access to objects, as well as what operations are allow...
The advantages of Joomla
Joomla is one of the most popular open source CMS. It is free and easily customizable. This makes it suitable for both greenhorn users and developing professionals to create websites and potent web applications.
Its easily deployable, has a n...
Joomla Release 3.2
New features in Joomla 3.2.
As I am working with few technologies and Joomla is one of them, I thought let me update you with information regarding the new release in of Joomla 3.2.
Joomla team has recently released a new version of Jooml...