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How to convert string to int without using library functions in c
here we are converting string values to the integer without using library functions.
int stringToInt(char[] );
int main(){
char str[10];
int intValue;
printf("Enter any integer as a string:...
A program to find out NCR factor of given number in C language
ncr means : combination in terms of mathematics.We have to find out the perfect combination of given values.
In the mathematics nCr has defined as nCr = n! /((n-r)! * r!)
int main(){
int n,r,ncr;
program to find out generic root of any number on C language
generic root means:
in this we do addition of a given number until reached a single digit after addition . For example:
Generic root of 784: 7 + 8 + 4 = 19 since 19 is a two digit numbers so 1 + 9 = 10.then again add 1 +0=1
So, ge...
A program on C language without using subtraction operator is done by taking the numbers 2's complement and then add it to another number.
int main(){
int a,b;
int sum;
int complement=0;
A program to count the different types of characters in given string
counting of different characters is done by using strlen(i.e string length) and arr denotes array. We use for loop to pass the ASCII code of alphabets from a to z.
void main()
For Loop in C
For Loop: allow us to efficiently write a loop that needs to be executed specific number of times.
for(init statement; test expression; increment)
code(s) to be executed;
The init statement allow us to
Loops in C
Loops are used to execute a block of statements in repetition until a specific condition is satisfied.
There are 3 types of loops in C:
1. for loop
2. while loop
3. do while loop
1. for Loop:
File handling operation in c language
File handling in C
In C programming language we use a structure pointer of file type for declaring a file.
FILE *fp;
The fopen() function is used to create a new file or to open existing file.
Syntax :
*fp = FILE *fo...
Arrays is a data structure that can store similar type of data. IN other words an array is a collection of homogenous data (same type of data), which are stored in contiguous memory locations. In an array the first element goes t...
Arrays in C
An array is a homogeneous collection of data. An array is a container that stores a fixed number of values of same type. The length of array is specified when we create an array. Once created, its legth is fixed. We can think of array as a struct...
Difference between structure and union in c
h2.cjk { font-family: "Droid Sans Fallback"; }h2.ctl { font-family: "FreeSans"; }td p { margin-bottom: 0cm; }p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }
A Switch is a control statement that allows value to change control of execution.
These are the fact about the switch statement.
Switch case statement expressions must be of integral type (int,char and enum). Any other type of expressions use...
Command line argument
Command Line Argument
1. Command line argument is a way of supplying parameter to the program whenever it is invoked.
In command line argument when user call main method it is called by two arguments.The first is the number of command-line ar...
Recursion in c
In C programming language when a function calls itself over and over again , that function is called recursive function .The process of function calling itself repeatedly is known as recursion .
Recursion is supported by C programming languag...
C Preprocessor directives
The preprocessing of C source code is done before it is compiled by the compiler. The Preprocessor directives are the command used for preprocessing which starts with "#" symbol. The list of preprocessor directives that C language offers is given...
union in C
A union is a special data type available in C that allows to store different data types in the same memory location just like structures in C.
Union uses a single shared memory location which is equal to the size of its largest data member. It...
Circular Doubly Linked List
This is an implementation of Circular Doubly Linked List in C Programming Language.
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
struct node
int root, *next, *prev;
struct node n;
Pointers in C
C has an interesting and powerful feature of pointers. It differs it from other languages. As the name suggests it points to something. Whenever we declare some data type it holds some memory. If we define a variable ptr then, &ptr is the add...
Diiference Between C and C++
Basic difference between C and C++:
C follow procedural programming language
C++ follow procedural and object oriented
Quick Sort library function in C
Quick sort can be very useful to you if you want to sort your array efficiently.
The Time complexities for quick sort
Best Case performance : O(n log n)
Average Case Performance : O(n log n)
Worst Ca...
break statement in C language
if we want to break the execution of loop in while, do while and for loop and switch case we use break satement.
below are examples to illustrate break statement:
Example of C break state...
Strings in C language
String is a collection of characters in an array.It is terminated by by \0 (null character)
There are two ways to declare string in c language.
1)By char array
declaring string by char array is as follows:
char ch[10]={'e','v','o','n'...
Pointers in C language
Pointer is a variable which stores address of another variable. It points to an address of a value.
Pointers in C language is declared using * i.e. asterik symbol.
int *i;//pointer to int
char *ch;//pointer to char .
#include ...
Data Structure and Different types of Data Structures
Data Structure can be defined as the way of structuring the data or logical representation between data elements. The Data structure is equal to the Organized data plus the Allowed operations on it.
It is a way of designing and accessing the d...
Dynamic memory allocation in C
Dynamic memory allocation is a manual memory management for the dynamic memory with use of some group of functions in like malloc, realloc, calloc and free. The process of allocating memory during the execution of a C program is called a Dynamic...
Structure in C
Structure is basically a user defined datatype which is a collection of heterogeneous elements.
Each element of a structure is called a member.
It works like a template in C++ and class in Java.
It is used to store student information...
Dynamic memory allocation in C language
Dynamic memory allocation allows the C programmer to allocate memory at runtime. Dynamic memory allocation in C is possible by 3 functions of stdlib.h header file.
malloc() function
The malloc() function alloc...
Difference between Array and Structures in C
1). An array is a collection of homogeneous elements.
2. An array is a derived data type.
3) Any array is like a built-in data types. All we have to do is to declare an array variable so that we can use it.
Example of Array to fin...
Implement Quick Sort using C
Quick Sort Algorithm:- Quick sort is the most famous sorting algorithm. It is the external sorting technique that is based on divide and conquer strategy. The Complexity of this algorithm is following:
Best Case:- O(n log n)
Average Case:- O...
Implement Bubble Sort Using C
Bubble Sort:- Bubble Sort is the one of most popular Sorting Algorithm that is used to sort the array of n size. The Worst case and Average Case Complexity of Bubble Sort is O(n)^2. The Below Code will show you how to implement the bubble sort to...
Implement Binary Search Using C
Binary Search:- The Binary Search is one of the most important searching technique in Searching Algorithm. The one of property of this searching algorithm is, all the elements are in sorted order in array. The worst case and average case complexi...
Implement Doubly LinkList Using C
Doubly Linklist:- In Singly Linklist we have to move only in forward direction. we don't move in backward direction in linklist but Using Doubly Linklist we can iterate in both forward and backward direction. The Below code will shown you how to...
Sorting In Linklist
Sorting inside Linklist:- This Blog will show you, how to create a sorted linklist.
By using that can achieve the Sorting inside our Linklist. The Element will Enter inside Linklist in Sorted Manne.
C Loops Syntax
C provides following types of loops:
for loop.
while loop.
do-while loop.
nested loop.
For Loop :
for( initialization; condition; increment/decrement) {
// Statement1
Insertion in Linklist at Different Places
Insertion in Linklist:- The Insertion of Element in Singly linklist at different places like: insertion at beginning, last and middle in the linklist. In below code I will show you how to insert the element in linklist at beginning, middle and la...
Implementation of Singly Linklist in C
Singly Linklist:- Hii Friends, The Below code will show you how we can create singly Linklist in Data Structure using C. we can simply create the singly linklist using the pointers and malloc function to insert and delete element dynamically.
Implement Queue Using Dynamic LinkList
Queue using Dynamic LinkList:-The Below code can shown you how to implement Queue using dynamic linklist in data structure using C. We can insert the node dynamically and the Linklist works on principal First-In-First-Out(FIFO). The Element can s...
Implement Stack Using Dynamic LinkList
Stack:- The Below code can shown you how to implement stack using dynamic linklist in data structure using C. We can insert the node dynamically and the Linklist works on principal Last-In-First-Out(LIFO).
Read and Write the Structure in File using C ( File Handling )
File Handling in C:- The File handling is used in c to store the information in file. we can read the data from file and write the data into file for securing your data. Here the below example can show you how to write and read the data of struct...
Read and Write the File in C ( File Handling )
File Handling in C:- The below example will show you how you can read the data from file and write the data in file using C language.
#define true 1
Implementation of Insertion Sort in C
Insertion Sort:- The Insertion sort is used to sort an array. The array can be sorted in each round means, In each Iteration of an array the element can be find in sorted.
1: The second element of array compared with the elements w...
Implementation of Queue Using Array in C
The below example shows the concept of FIFO. The First Inserted Element is shown at first position and if you want to retrieve the element then first inserted element will be retrieved first.
Implementation of Stack Using Array in C
This is the Implementation of Stack using Array in C. The concept of Stack is to work on LIFO(Last In First Out). The Element can be Pushed into the Stack of Size 5. The Below code shows How the stack works. The Last Element inserted by the user ...
Get Instant Solutions to C Programming Problems
Hello Nerds,
In this video blog, you will get to know how you can get rid of C Programming Problems & Language issues. I have seen many programmers who get stuck in C Programming queries during the Web Development Projects and wasted t...
Pass Structure as a function Argument in C
To Pass the Structure as a function Argument we just need to Create the Object of the Structure and pass it as a argument to the funtion .
struct anp//Name of the structure
Protocols it's usage and Types
Protocols are powerful functionality provided by iOS. These are set of behavior that is expected from an object to behave/respond in a given situation.
Protocols are set of methods and properties. One can define protocol as:
@protocol protoco...