Hello, I'm a beginner at programming writing up a theoretical project for university and i wanted to know if this idea could actually be done in real life.
I'm trying to collaborate the prices of items from different supermarkets so that you can see that e.g. apples are $4/Kg at supermarket 1, $3 at supermarket 2 and $2.50 at supermarket 3 so that people can pick the cheaper option.
I was wondering if the prices and the item could be copied from the online catalogue of these supermarkets e.g. https://www.woolworths.com.au/Shop/SpecialsGroups/half-price
to my website and be updated automatically whenever the supermarket updates their catalogue (which should be every week) without any manual tweaking.
Also, if I hired a programmer for the duration of this project (estimating 3 months), how much would it cost?
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