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Garbage Collection in .Net

"Garbage Collection in .Net"     Memory Management is one of the major concern for every Application, In .Net the CLR is responsible for that. Overview:   Garbage Collection is an automatic process o...

Difference between update() and merge() in Hibernate

Difference between update() and merge() method : Hibernate has different methods to save, fetch, update and delete object. Commonly or the most popular methods to update the data are update() and merge(). The update() method is widely used to ...

How WPF is better than Winforms?

These are reasons that why WPF is better than Winforms: A->Any where Execution(XAML) : Any where Execution means you can create your UI once in WPF and then run it as window application or run it as web application. This is possible because...

JSP Life Cycle

JSP is a server side scripting language. JSP is used to develop web applications. We can do everything on JSP which we can do with Servlet. In JSP we can add the Java code inside the HTML tags.   There are three service methods provide...

In C#, should I use string.Empty or String.Empty or ?

Hi... In my previous blog, I have already mentioned that String and string both are same as string is just the alias name for String or System.String. So we can use either String.Empty or string.Empty, it doesn't really matter. Now the quest...

How to Add followers linked to new partner in OpenERP(Odoo)?

To Add followers linked to new partner in OpenERP(Odoo) here is the process below- In followers linked to new partner fields, first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want followers linked to new partne...

Chapter 3: Rotate a object about its axis using force in unity 4 /5

Unity 5 comes with the advancement and new approach. In Unity 5 there is no need to set physics manually but you do need to set max angular velocity of the object through coding individually . By doing this you can set max angular velocity to se...

How to Follow all records of new notification models in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In followers all records and new notification models, first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want all records and new notification models of followers and then write below python code to that field at ...

Chapter 2: Rotate a object about its axis using force in unity 4 /5

In unity physics plays a very important role .So to make the object rotate real and affected by force. We have to set the physics of unity 4 engine manually.If you are using unity 5 then things goes someway different. Unity 4 Users: To ach...

How to booked an amount in company currency as basis of the conversion into the voucher currency in OpenERP

If you want to use the amount booked in the company currency as the basis of the conversion into the voucher currency in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below given steps- Step-1 Install the account_voucher module. Step-2 After that customize account...

How to Remove followers linked to old partner in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In followers linked to old partner fields first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want to remove followers linked to old partner fields and then write python code to that field from start to end. Use b...

How to validate the date using preg_match function in PHP?

The syntax of the preg_match function is that: preg_match (string pattern, string string [, array pattern_array],[, int $flags [, int $offset]]]); In the above function first and second parameter are mandatory and the rest of the parameters...

Chapter 1: Rotate a object about its axis using force in unity 4 /5

As we give force to any rigid body to move in any direction i.e., rigidbody .AddForce(Vector 3.fwd/down/left/right/up , ForceMode); Similarly if you want to rotate a object forcefully about its axis we can use: rigidbody .AddTorque...

What is Windows Presentation Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation is a next level GUI framework as compared to WinForms, which provides impressive user interfaces in windows based applications. Earlier it was known as Avalon and was first released as a part of .NET 3.0 framewor...

WPF vs. WinForms

Hello Friends, This blog explains a subjective list of the key advantages for WPF and WinForms. WPF advantages Comprehensive Integration -WPF offers a uniform environment for using text, video,speech, 2D and 3D graphics. We Can incorpor...

Cake was unable to write to File cache in cakePhp

Hello All, In this blog we will discuss about the File cache write problem in CakePhp application. Everytime when you install new version of the cakePhp or port your code on to the server you come across this error depicting that the cake i...

Check if an element is visible in viewport

Hi Friends, Many times we get into a situation where we want to know whether an element exists within a viewport of browser or not. Here below. I am writing a function to check whether an elements exists in a viewport or not. It will return...

Tutorial-4 AngularJS Controllers

Angular controllers control the data flow in application. Controller is defined by ng-controller. We define all script, function in the controller, every controller have their scope which works as parameter and that controller is applied on thei...

Creating .p12 for apns with server side in Java

Generally in iOS apps server side is coded in PHP and to integrate APNS we can create .pem file by following this RayWenderlich tutorial. But we might face difficulty in receiving remote notification on device when server side coding is done i...

Java connectivity JDBC driver

Hi Friends, This article will help you to identify basic connectivity using JDBC driver in Java. There are only four categories of JDBC driver provided by SUN, Type 1, 2, 3, and 4, which is explained below Type 1: JDBC-ODBC (Bridge Dri...

Difference between autowire byName and byType in Spring

Spring framework provides the way to inject the bean dependencies using the autowire functionality. By default autowire functionality is disabled in spring framework. A developer explicitly define the autowiring configuration in spring configurat...

Java Thread Join Example

join() method in Java Thread : The join() method of a Thread class allows the current thread to wait until the thread in which it is called will die. Sometime a question is asked in the interviews that How can we make sure main() is the last thre...

How to configure the website settings and Social Media in OpenERP-8(Odoo)?

If you want to configure website settings and Social Media in OpenERP-8(Odoo), you just have to follow the 3 simple steps mentioned below- Step-1 Go to Settings menu->website settings Step-2 Domain ->Website Name ->Google Analytics K...

Difference between Service, Provider and Factory in angularJs

Hello Everyone , In this blog we will discuss about the differences b/w services ,provider and factory in angular jS a)Service- This will return the actual function with an instance of the function. Syntax- module.service( 'serviceName',...

How to Search through the existing partners based on the lead's partner or contact name in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In existing partners first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want Search through the existing partners based on the lead's partner fields and then give start to end Path to that field.Use below .py code...

Set date of a Date Picker in Objective C

In objective C, UIDatePicker is the best way to display date and time options. We can set date of our choice in a Date picker. Also we can set minimum and maximum date. Here I am creating UIDatePicker first. UIDatePicker *pickerDate...

Why switch to WPF?

WinForms still exists with WPF in Visual Studio. It is still in use but getting outdated as software user interfaces are getting more demanding in terms of speed and slick animations In this article It is mentioned that WPF is not created to repl...

How to Manage multiple companies in openerp

To Manage multiple companies in openerp-7, follow these step given below:- step1- Go to setting in browser step2- Then go to Configuration -> General Settings -> Options (check the [check box]) Then it will Automatic Manage multiple comp...

How to navigate between activities

This tutorial describes how to navigate between activities. For navigating between activities we use Explicit Intent. For this we create a new Intent, specifying the current Activity's context and the class of the Activity to launch. And pass...

Objective C simple block declaration and implementation

In this video tutorial , You will learn how we can implement Objective C block.

CakePHP website mobile version

Hello All, In this blog we will discuss about how to make your website working with proper layout in the mobile devices. For this we can use CakePHP's RequestHandler's isMobile function to check if a mobile device is accessing the site. ...

httplib2 library not install in your system

Many time users faces this error- httplib2 library not install in your system Below is the solution- It's an external package you must install yourself using pip. Run this below command in terminal to install this package and get rid of this e...

How to setup a postgreSQL in OpenERP

The default superuser for PostgreSQL is called postgres. You may need to login as this user first. Than use this commond in terminal openerp@ubuntu:/$ sudo su postgres password: XXXXXXXXXX Now create PostgreSQL user openerp using the fo...

How to get Latitude/longitude from address in PHP

Hello All, In this blog we will discuss about how to fetch the lat/long from the given address in PHP. So we will be using curl request for fetching the same via using Google maps api. Below is the code, you can use to generate lat/long...

Original error: Could not find a connected Android device.

I tried to run the below piece code and getting the error Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. public class TestCaller { public static AppiumDriver driver; ...

org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Screen did not u...

I tried to run the below piece code and getting the error Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. public class TestCaller { public static AppiumDriver driver; ...

How to upload file with size and extension validation in

Hello All In we can upload the file by using file up-loader control. but at times we have to apply some validation to avoid user to upload malicious file which might harm our application. These validation can be of many types like :...

Get transaction details in paypal by paypal transaction ID in PHP

Hello guys, Its really helpful for integration paypal in PHP to REST API. To integrate it, first you have to download the PHP-paypal SDK below is the direct link // 1. Autoload the SDK Pac...

How to use the HABTM Relationship in cakephp?

HABTM association is used when you have two models that need to be joined up, repeatedly, many times in many different ways. So below is the following steps to follow to use the above relationship. First we create the database and its tables ...

How can we resolve conflict between prototype and jQuery?

To resolve a conflict between jQuery and prototype, use below method jQuery.noConflict and using jQuery instead of $('code').code; jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(function($) // $ is the jQuery object in here // and doesn't conflict ...

Difference between get() and load() methods in Hibernate

What is the difference between get() and load(): The most important question for the interview's perspectives that what is the difference between get and load methods in Hibernate? Developers use both the functions when coding but most of them u...

Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver issue

I was trying to open the contacts list of my mobile through the code given below but the piece of code is showing me error when trying to instantiate the Appium driver. public class TestContactsNativeApp { public static AppiumDriver driver;...

ASP-Net-MVC-The CRUD-Part -2 Details Update and Delete

Hi Friends! I hope you'll be waiting for the next part of my previous CRUD article. So let's go for it. We'll perform the rest of the actions in following sequence. 1-Details 2-Edit/Update 3-Delete Before moving to any method ,we need to...

Java Thread Example

Thread: Thread is a lightweight process. Thread requires less memory space and resources to create and exists in the process, thread shares data and resources of the process. Every Java application has at least one Thread (main thread). There ...

Thread States and Lifecycle in Java

Thread Lifecycle: Want to start the multithreaded programming? Before starting you need to know what is Thread and what is the life cycle of the Thread. Thread having different states and life cycle methods. To know about the thread you can Visi...

Make a Real Mirror in Unity 3D

Make a Real Mirror in Unity 3D : Create any scene in Unity like this - Add two cameras to the scene, first one (SceneCamera) is able to see the whole scene and second one (MirrorCamera) is able to see the part of the scene which we want t...

How to get location from lat long in php

By using google api we can find the location public function getAddressByLatLong($loclatitude='',loclongitude='') { $loclatitude=trim($loclatitude); $loclongitude=trim($loclongitude); $apiurl = '

Drupal 7 get information of current logged-in user in external PHP file

Hi, Here is a code for loading current logged-in user using Bootstrap full in external PHP file. function user_load_from_bootstrap($uid = NULL) { define('DRUPAL_ROOT', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $base_url = 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST...

How to find available user in live chat in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In below example, I have written Python script to find available user in live chat . If you are stuck in such case then directly copy below python code in your .py file: users = self.get_available_users(cr, uid, channel_id, context=context) ...

How to create the session, and add the link with the given channel in OpenERP(Odoo)?

In below example, I have written Python script to create the session and to add the link with the given channel. To do this, directly use below python code in your .py file Session = self.pool["im_chat.session"] newid = Session.cre...
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