How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
Import Gmail Contact
Import Gmail Contact :
To import gmail contact you need to download the following DLLs :-
Source code to import to import gmail contact shown ...
How to get subscription information of chargify using .net
First we add dll of chargify
using ChargifyNET;
Create the object of subscription
ISubscription newSubscription;
newSubscription = new ChargifyNET.Subscription();
Connect to the chargify by giving URL,apikey and password
Sending Email Using Send Grid for Window Azure Server
This is a function to send Email from Azure Server Using Send Grid.
public Dictionary FogotPassword(String Email)
Dictionary row = new Dictionary();
string Password = string.Empty;
DataTable dt...
How to find out the Coordinates of a page using jquery
Following steps are required to find out the coordinates on a page:
Step1: Download the file from the location
Step2: Write the script under the script tag of the aspx page
How to show the default text on a form textboxes using jquery
Here, in this article when i click on one textbox the corresponding text in this textbox hides, and as soon as i click on another textbox the first textbox text appears.
The following steps are required to make the above task possible
How to show popup on mouseover on a link using jquery
Following steps are required for showing a popup on mousehover on a link
Step1: Attach the javascript file from
Step2: Write the following internal stylesheet under the head secti...
What is .axd file in ASP.Net
An .axd file is a HTTP Handler file. There are two types of .axd files.
These are files which are generated at runtime whenever you use ScriptManager in your Web app. This is being generated only once w...
How to bind a Datalist inside a Datalist
Nesting Datalist
Use the .aspx code below to bind datalist inside a datalist.
<asp:DataList ID="lstPanels" runat="server" RepeatColumns="1" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
DataKeyField="PanelID" OnItemDataBound="lstPanelsItemDataBoun...
How to remove default text on textbox focus
Remove text from a textbox on focus and getting the text again after loosing focus
Use below .aspx code to make a textbox remove the default text on focus and again get the default text if the user leaves the textbox blank.
<asp:TextBox ...
Copy specific rows from one Datatable to another
Copy only columns from a datatable
Use 'clone' method to create a datatable with same structure
dtCopyColumns= dt.Clone();
This will copy only columns from dt to dtCopyColumns
Copy columns and rows from a datatable
dtCopy = ...
How to implement google map
How to implement google map
Code this on your .aspx page
<body onload="initialize()">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="gmap" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>
Steps to create a Task Scheduler.
Please go through the below details to create a Task Scheduler. It can be done by two ways either creating console application, windows application or creating a window service. What I have done is created a windows application and schedule th...
Split a string in C#
How to split a string
Suppose I have a string "I love Programming" and I want to get all the words seprately. Here is a simple example:-
string a = "I love Programming";
string[] words = a.Split(' ');
// We pass the value inside '' on the ...
How to cut a String in C#
String.Substring :-To remove characters from begining use like this:-
string a = "India";
string sub = a.Substring(0, 3);
// Here 0 means from which character you have to start cutting. Index will start from 0
// 3 means how many charact...
Import Data from Excel
Import Data from Excel in C#
Use the code below to import data from excel
OleDbConnection cnn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=""E:\Book1.xlsx""; Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;");
OleDbCommand oconn =...
how to get a label Text or DataKey value on button click in a gridview
Get a label Text or DataKey value on button click in a gridview
Write the .aspx code as below:--
<asp:GridView ID="grdtest" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
How to get DataKey value on check box checked event in a GridView
Get DataKey value on check box checked event in a GridView
Here is the .aspx code for the following:-
<asp:GridView ID="grdTest" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ID">
Import Data from CSV in C#
How to import data from CSV to Database
Use the function below to import the data from excel to the database connected
public void importdatafromexcel(string excelfilepath)
DataTable tblReadCSV= new DataTable();
How to Export data to Excel in C#
Export Data to Excel
First get the data in a DataTable and call the below function.
if (dtGetData.Rows.Count > 0)
string filename = "ExcelName.xls";
System.IO.StringWriter tw = new System.IO.StringWrite...
How to modify a Datatable
Steps to modify data in a DataTable
Suppose we have a DataTable with columns Name,Age, Status
//DataTable dtRecords;
DataRow[] rows = dtRecords.Select();
if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0)
How to create function for Split string in SQL
How to create function for split string in SQL
Function accepts two parameters first the concatenated string and second the delimiter character.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Split](@String nvarchar(4000),@Delimiter char(1))
RETURNS @Results TAB...
JavaScript Validation for User Name and Email Id in Asp.Net
JavaScript Validation for User Name and Email Id in Asp.Net
Validate User Name and Email Id in a web page using JavaScript validation in ASP.Net. In this example I am using two TextBoxes. The first TextBox accepts user name and second textbox ...
JavaScript Validation for Mobile Number in Asp.Net
JavaScript Validation for Mobile Number in Asp.Net
Validate Mobile number in a web page using JavaScript validation in ASP.Net.
In this example I am using one TextBox . The TextBox accepts Mobile number, it only allows 10 digit numbers.
How to Create and Consume wcf service in visual studio 2010 C#.net
Steps to Create a WCF service in Visual Studio 2010
1.To create a new WCF service application project, go to File->New->Project. Then select WCF under Visual C# installed templates and then select wcf service application.
2.In the sol...
How to show a div or a label on Click or MouseOver of a link in gridview.
How to toggle the visibility a div or a label on Click/MouseOver of a link in gridview.
This demonstration is very useful to make a pop up like window opens on click/Mouse Over on every link in a row in a grid view. To begin this lets start w...
How to create flexigrid in MVC3
Flexigrid is a free Lightweight data grid with resizable columns and scrollable data. We can create flexigrids by using javascript or jquery.We can apply sorting,searching and paging in these grid.Flexigrids accepts two types data sources xml or ...
How to pass Parameters and Stored Procedure using Linq
How to pass Parameters and Stored Procedure using Linq
ExecuteFunction executes stored procedure with specified parameters.This function accepts 2 parameters i.e stored procedure name and parameter list.
public List<GetCustomerSearchResu...
How to open a .pdf file in a new window in C#
Opening a .pdf file in new window
On the First page write the following code:-
string Url = "Wite the url of the page to be opened";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "window.open('" + Url + "');", true);
On the s...
How to Split Datatable into multiple Datatables
Split Datatable into multiple Datatables
private List<DataTable> CloneCustomerDataTable(DataTable dtClone, int numberOfRecords)
List<DataTable> dttables = new List<DataTable>();
int count = 0;
Using Timer in WPF
This is the demonstration of how to use a dispatch timer in WPF using C#.
private DispatcherTimer timer; // Declaring instance of DispatcherTimer class
public Window1()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window...
Managing State by Using Cross-Page Posting
Managing State by Using Cross-Page Posting
By default, a Button control on a Web page submits the page back to itself. However, sometimes, you may want to post one page to another. In such a case, you can set the PostBackUrl property of the Bu...
Using Background Worker in C#
To use a background worker class in C#
1- Create an Instance of Background Class
BackgroundWorker bgw=new BackgroundWorker();
2- Create an event handler for the background worker's DoWork event
private void backgroundWorker_DoW...
How to send an e-mail with attachment and delete the attachment afterwards in C#
Sending an e-mail with an attachment through a .net application include these simple steps:-
1)- Use the following namespaces -
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.IO;
2)- Call the following function where you h...
How to add, update and delete the records into the database using linq
UserEntities objUserEntities= new UserEntities();/*Create object of user entity
/* Add records into the database */
public void AddUser(User objUser)
objUserEntities.AddToUsers(objUser); /*Linq has its own function to ...
Publishing a website on Windows Azure
Deploying Windows Azure Website using Visual Studio Web Publish wizard
Create your Windows Azure Websites (shared or reserved) and get the publish profile by selecting Download publish profile in your website`s Dashboard page on Windows Azu...
DontNetNuke 7 Setup and Installation
DotNetNuke 7 Setup and Installation is pretty much different then its previous versions. Following are the steps to setup a project in DNN latest version (7.0.4):-
copy DNN Community Edition files to C:/websites/dnndev.me (dir used by templa...