How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API
There are certain steps that need to be followed f
by gaurav.gautam -
Why does my CHM have a blank content pane?
Hello Readers, Many times I have heard that, many
by Chetan.Sharda -
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world, To connect to icloud calen
by govind.chauhan -
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App This Blo
by shubham.mamgain -
REST attributes of WCF Service
Objective: In this article we will explain what a
by govind.chauhan
Action Result And Return Type
Action Result And Return Type In ASP.NET MVC
An ActionResult is return type of method/action defined in a controller. ActionResult is a class defined in namespace System.Web.Mvc. Result returned by action/method is called action result. We ca...
Content Place Holder and Master Page
Content Place Holder:
As the name itself signifies that the Place Holder control is used to hold the content of another controls on the web page. It does not produce any visible output (it only acts as a container for other controls on the Web...
Preventing Custom Error page passing the querystring "aspxerrorpath=" ?
Hii all...
While working with Custom Error pages I found that Custom error page usually returns the path of the error causing page in the querystring called "aspxerrorpath".
To prevent aspxerrorpath passed as a query string in asp.net error ...
How to resolve JQuery Lightbox session object access issue for iPhone ?
Hiii all...
I have found something about iPhone and Jquery lightbox. It would be beneficial for those who are working with Jquery lightbox.
If you are opening .aspx page in lightbox, and fetching few values from Session object in backend, ...
Script Manager Control
What is Script Manager?
ScriptManager control is used to provide support for client-side features AJAX. It manages the client script for AJAX enabled web page. It support partial-page rendering.
Features of script Manager
1. Handling Part...
View State and Performance
ASP.NET includes several State Management features. One of the feature is ViewState.
ViewState is used to preserve values of page and controls between the round trips or the postbacks.
It stores information of the specific page. When the user ...
Arrays in C#
Array in C# works as it works in any other language except few differences. When we declare an array we must use a square bracket ([ ]) after the data type.
int[ ] number
Unlike c arrays, in c# size of array is not part of its type. This...
Asp.net Wizard control
Wizard Control in asp.net
The Asp.net wizard is an elegant mechanism to perform set of operation to make our application ease for the end user and developer.
It is a group of form to collect user information step by step .The navigation in wi...
Programmatic Caching
The first thing we need to understand is the need of caching. This can be understood by a very simple and most common usage of search functionality. For example we need to search all products that come under furniture by typing in one of the furn...
How to connect to icloud calendar?
Hello coder's world,
To connect to icloud calendar is not easy task at all. The reason behind this is, iclound does not provide any APIs to connect with it (Click on the link to read more http://blog.sunrise.am/post/74146344289/about-icloud) f...
Adding Image to Canvas using Kinetic JS
This is the simple code for adding an image to a HTML5 canvas using Kinetic Js.
function DrawImage() {
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: 800,
height: 600
Thread Safe Dictionary (ConcurrentDictionary)
.NET has introduced a thread safe dictionary (4.0 onward). Essentially, it does something similar like conventional dictionary plus lock system. Read the MSDN documentation for the same at following link:
What is Glimpse in asp.net and MVC?
Glimpse is an open source tool to Check the performance of every page in asp.net OR MVC.
You can install it in very simple way.
1. search the key word Glimpse in NuGet and you will find different versions for Glimpe Asp.Net, Glimpe MVC, Glimpe ...
Entity FrameWork
Entity Framework
Before going through this blog you must be familiar with basic of Asp.net application and Linq expressions.
What is Entity Framework?
Entity framework is ORM(Object Relational Mapping) which allows to create object and ...
Web API's
Asp.net web Api's is a framework to build http services for web servers and browsers.
It gathers definitions, procedures and protocols to help the communication between different
computer softwares. HTTP services for example, is b...
***Latest features introduced with C# 4.0 and above versions***
Latest features introduced with C# 4.0 and above versions
C# 4.0 is a version of the C# programming language that was released on April 11, 2010. Microsoft released the 4.0 runtime and development environment Visual Studio 2010.
Microsoft ...
Ajax Call In MVC
Ajax Call In MVC
In my previous blog I had explained Ajax Call in Asp.Net. Now I will explain Ajax Call in MVC.
Here, I will explain how to set value of textboxes in model's property and how to set property's value in textboxes.
Under M...
Ajax Call in ASP.NET
Ajax Call (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Call) In Asp.Net
Ajax Call is used to refresh portion of a webpage without reloading whole page.
Ajax Calls are used to create fast web pages as they refreshes only a portion of web page instead of...
Consuming RESTFul service using .NET
Asp.net provides a client application call by making HTTP requests across the Web. Asp.net enables to create custom Web services or WCF services.Such type architectural style consuming services is called RESTful serviecs.
RESTful serv...
Cross Language Interoperability
.Net Framework contains a large library and support for cross language interoperability (i.e., the ability through which each and every language can use code written in other languages) across several programming languages. It also support th...
How to Use SendGrid Web API in .Net Project
Hi all,
This article is about how to use SendGrid Web API in .net project.
There are two ways you can use API in your project one is to create a web client and post your data to send grid API second is you need to download the package for...
Implementing a RESTful service using WCF 4.5
Hello coders,
In this article we are going to implement a RESTful service using WCF4.5.
Note: WCF stand for Windows Communication Foundation
Please follow the below steps to implement a RESTful service.
Step 1: Open visual studio/New project...
Working with List in Provider Hosted App for Sharepoint
Sharepoint List in Provider Hosted App
This Blog will provide an insight of how we can use Sharepoint List and its properties in Provider Hosted App. Assuming you already are familiar with Sharepoint and Provider Hosted App.
As we all know Pr...
Sharepoint Development Setup on Local Server
This blog is useful in setting up your own Sharepoint development environment on local server.
I am assuming that you have already installed Sharepoint 2013 into your development server and now you want to start development for Sharepoint.
REST attributes of WCF Service
In this article we will explain what are the REST Attributes of WCF service and there usage.
Here WCF Stands for Windows Communication Foundation
WebServiceHost: This is a class which is inherited from ServiceHost Class. Servi...
Application Domain Overview
Application domain works like a process works for Operating system. It keeps the application isolated from each other, the same way an operating system process works. Isolation is required so that applications do not conflict with each other. It ...
Profiling in .net
In this section we will talk about three things: what to profile, why we need profiler and how can we profile our code. So we will discuss this one by one.
Profiling collect the information about an application, that helps you...
Web API Routing
Basics for Web API Routing
The Web API framework maps incoming requests to the appropriate action based upon the HTTP verb of the request.
The Web API route URLs to a controller, and then to the action which matches the HTTP verb of the re...
What is Auto Boxing
Auto-boxing was introduced for removing the need to manually "box" primitives. It just happen automatically when and as needed.
Auto-boxing can be defined as getting a reference type out of a value type by type conversion, it can be either imp...
Tutorial On LinQ and Simple LinQ examples
Introduction of LINQ:
Abbreviated for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). It was introduced in Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework version 3.5. The main concept behind it was to fill the gap between world of objects and the world of data. LINQ...
Jquery and WebMethods for AJAX calls
What is jQuery?
jQuery is a lightweight,JavaScript library (write less, do more). The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code ...
Understanding Lambda Expressions
What is Lambda Expression ?
Lambda expression is an inline delegate introduced with C # 3.0 language. It is an easy way to represent an anonymous method. Lambda is used to write anonymous functions which does not take parameter and which does ...
.Net Assembly Manifest
.Net Assembly Manifest
A file that contains Metadata about .NET Assemblies is known as Manifest. Here, data about data or machine-readable information about a resource is Metadata.
MetaData: Metadata is a collection of data that describes ho...
Update Panel
Update Panel
An Update Panel is a control used to refresh selected parts of the page instead of refreshing the whole page with a post back. This is referred as performing a partial-page update.
An Update Panel has two child tags.
1: Conte...
.Net MVC Controllers and Simple Model Validation
.Net MVC Controllers
The controller is a heart of the entire MVC architecture which inherits system.web.mvc.controller. The controller acts as a coordinator between the View and the Model as it receives input from users via the View, then proc...
Routing In MVC
What is Routing
The concept of pattern matching process used to monitor the requests and determines further step for each request is known as Routing. In other words , the mechanism of mapping request in our MVC application is Routing.
MVC ...
Stitching two images together using Graphic class
Below is a function that takes two images as parameter with their coordinates and Height Width and stitches both the images together with their respective coordinates and returns a new image.
public Bitmap StitchImages(Bitmap baseImage, int...
Changing Windows Hosting Account's Default File
If you want to make your website's default file you can do this by using Windows hosting accounts running IIS 7, hence you only have to specify your website's default file using a web.config file.
To change your website's default file, include...
Open multiple skype account in Ubuntu 13.19
Hi All,
I was searching for multiple skype window in linux (Ubuntu 13.10) and found lot of options but they are quite complicated for beginners. I found a post and found a simple and working option:
1: Open run window (Alt+ F2 or direct cli...
Find controls of master page on child page
We can easily fetch controls of master page on child page.
Consider the following example:-
In online shopping site you need to add or remove items which shows on master page based on added items in cart page (Cart page is a child page).
Installing Clean Windows Web Server 2008 R2 64-bit with IIS 7.5
While Installing Clean Windows Web Server 2008 R2 64-bit with IIS 7.5, If you receive the following errors when opening .NET 2.0 / .NET 4.0 application:
1. Managed handler is used; however, ASP.NET is not installed or is not installed completel...
How to create a new table with specific column from another table
Check the rows of column is either greater than zero or not
Use function DefaultView
Pass the parameters true for distinct, and create new string for giving columns
if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
DataTable dt2 = dt1.DefaultV...
How to make http post request by passing xml using c#
Following function will expect a generic List and serialize into xml and make an http post request and after receiving response it will again deserialize xml into generic list:-
public customer CreateOrder(customer objCustomerRequest)
Basic understanding of MVC application
In the MVC application we have architecture with three main directories Model, View and controller. These sections are as follows:
Model: It contains the models or classes that we are going to use in our application. For eq. Person.cs class wi...
jqGrid with asp.net MVC
To bind jqGrid with asp.net MVC please see below steps.
step 1: Download latest jqGrid from
step 2: Add downloaded folder into your project's Script fo...
Create pie chart using jquery highchart and asp.net mvc
To create pie chart in asp.net MVC using jquery HighChart.
step 1: Include latest jquery.min.js in your page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
How to resolve the error "The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required"
Sometime the email is sending on local machine but not on the server machine it gives the error "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required"
To resolv...
How to call chargify webhooks API using .net
1.Give the http url of chargify , here the url is domainname.chargify.com then add /webhooks to this url ,/webhooks give the list of all webhooks and format is either json format or xml format
var responseText=string.Empty;
var httpWebReques...
Scroll down to selected item in gridview using javascript
The blog is related to move the position of scroll according to the selected item using javascript:-
Consider the following example:-
Let's say you have a gridview control and a dropdown above that. If you select any item from dropdown the grid...
Facade Architecture in ASP.Net
Facade Architecture in ASP.Net:-
The facade is an interface that an application can use to get things done without worrying about the details. The facade decouples these layers so that they dont depend on each other, which makes each easier to...