Function calling on button click in OpenERP
Adding a button on an OpenERP view is very easy an
by dinesh.singh
How to use _inherit and _name attributes together, in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to use _inherit and _name attributes together in OpenERP use below code -
class sale_order(osv.osv):
_name = "sale.order"
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'ir.needaction_mixin']
_description = "Sales Order"
_track = {...
How to defines write()method in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to make write()method in OpenERP use below code -
self.write({'test': 'demo'})
This method is used to explore the class and object of the module/code.
Here, 'test': is a class and 'demo' is name of class.
How to create a model in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to create a model in OpenERP use like below code -
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
class course(osv.osv):
_columns= {
'name':fields.char("Name",size=128,domain=[('name', '=',2)]),
How to defines a new notebook page for the view in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to defines a new notebook page for the view in OpenERP use below code -
<page string="Order Line"> :
Notebook page is used to create the new page and divide the section of pages.
How to adds a separator line in OpenERP/Odoo ?
To add a separator line separator string is used, below us the way to do this.
Go to .xml file and use the below code .
<separator string="Session" colspan="4"/>
<field name="session" nolabel="1">
<field name=...
How to use default_get method in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to use default_get method in OpenERP use below code -
self.pool.get(sale.order.line).default_get(cr, uid, [product_id,product_uom_id])
Note- If you want to migrating the module from OpenERP-7 to OpenERP-8(Odoo),then we have to...
How to use browse method in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to use browse method in OpenERP use below code -
def _get_company(self, cr, uid, context=None):
user_pool = self.pool.get('res.users')
company_pool = self.pool.get('res.company')
user ...
How to define many2many field in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to define many2many field in OpenERP use like below code -
class test (osv.osv):
'product1_cat':fields.char('product academy'),
How to define Functional field in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to define Functional field in OpenERP use below code -
class Demo1 (osv.osv):
_name = Demo1
_description = Contract
_columns = {
name : fields.char(Contract Name, size=30, required=True),
employee_id : fields.many2one(employee...
How to define the _sel_ function in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to make the _sel_ function in OpenERP use below code -
def _sel_func(self, cr, uid, context={}):
obj = self.pool.get(Test.relation.model)
ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [])
res = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, [Demo, id], context)
res = [(r...
How to define class and attributes in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to define class and attributes in OpenERP use below code -
from osv import osv, fields
class travel_hostel(osv.osv):
_name = travel.hostel
_inherit = res.partner
_columns = {
rooms_id: fields.one2many(travel.room, hostel_id, ...
How to make loops and special fields in OpenERP/Odoo ?
If you want to make loops and special fields in OpenERP use below code -
def get_totals(self, cr, uid, ids):
countries = {}
for sale in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
country = sale.partner_invoice_id.country
countries.setdefault(country, 0...
Get country name of first contact of a partner related to ID sale order in OpenERP/Odoo
If you want to get the country name of the first contact of a partner related to the ID sale order in OpenERP use below code -
country_name = sale.partner_id.address[0].country_id.name
How to Create Basic Search View In Odooo
In Odoo Search View is easy to use that is provided on every list view. With a module, you can add additional filter options that make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for and user can select the filter in Odoo.
To ...
Generating Basic View In Odoo
If you want to generating basic view in Odoo follow this below step-
Step-1 Go to .xml file and generating basic view like below code.
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?-->
<record id="ac...
Setup Aeroo reports on Odoo by Script
Hello Guys,
To install Aeroo Reports and all related dependencies please do the following at a terminal in Ubuntu 14.04:
0. cd/tmp
0. sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OdooCommunityWidgets/install-scripts/8.0/aeroo_re...
Tutorial to build a website in Odoo
If you want to build a website in Odoo follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to Settings->Modules->install Website Builder Module.
Step-2 Go to website Menu -> Click on Content button.
Step-3 After that edit the Menu a...
Odoo Consulting - Reducing Dependency of Vendors
Larger companies are often seen to opt for Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning commonly referred to as (ERP) because of its customization options and economic viability. To meet the core business needs, a new interface is needs to be created...
How to Create Basic Form View In Odoo
You can create form view in odoo by using below code in .xml file
There are two ways to create a Form View in Odoo.
1. Existing Form
2. Simple Form View.
1- Existing form Here you have to inherit form view and change this form view in...
How to Add Action and Menus in Odoo
To add action and menu in Odoo
Action- There are different types of actions in Odoo:
1- Window: Opening of a new window
2- Report: The printing of a report
3- Custom Report: The personalized reports or RML Report: The XSL:RML reports
Configuring Web-Client For Tryton-Server
As we know Tryton is a three-tier high-level general purpose computer application platform on top of which is built an Enterprise resource planning (ERP) business solution through a set of Tryton modules.
We will guide you how you can easi...
Odoo PayUmoney integration
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd. proudly presents the module which integrates PayUmoney with Odoo. PayUmoney is a popular Indian payment gateway. PayUMoney offers electronic payment service to your website through its various partnerships wit...
How to resolve Severe Assertion Error in openerp
To resolve Severe Assertion Error in openerp follow these step given below
After getting sever assertion error then first :
Step1- In pgAdmin run the following query:
update ir_module_module set state = 'installed' where state = 'to install'...
How to remove old OpenERP instance from your system (In Windows 7 ) ?
If you want to remove old OpenERP instance from your system follow the below mentioned steps:
Step-1 Go to start menu and click it.
Step-2 Click on programs button.
Step-3 Click Uninstall a program.
Step-4 after that Searching Programs and...
How does OpenERP-8(Odoo) is more Beneficial than OpenERP-7 ?
The transition from OpenERP 7 to Odoo (OpenERP 8) visibly highlights power of the web. Odoo comes with more than 4,000 apps for sundry business needs and requisites.
There has been a worldwide acceptance for version 8.0 among its partners and...
An high level over view of Security in OpenERP
OpenERP/Odoo is as secure as any other enterprise standard business application, and the architecture gives you many advantages to deploy applications over the Cloud infrastructure.
We have been getting many queries about "How secure is OpenERP/...
How to solve error on re-installation of OpenERP or pgAdmin
If you face error on re-installation of OpenERP or pgAdmin, then you need to add the port 5432 for Postgres in Inbound and Outbound Rules.
Follow these step given below:-
Step1- Go to Control panel/System and Security/Windows Firewall and se...
How to Data Mapping using ETL Tools in OpenERP/Odoo ?
The data mapping fixates on the powerful data between systems, It leads to more significant consistency, which results into preponderating productivity, reducing perpetual maintenance costs, amending readability of software and additionally makin...
How to fetch Calendar (calendar.event) meetings for particular date in ODOO?
To fetch Calendar (calendar.event) meetings for particular date follow these step as mentioned below:-
Step1 - To install base_calender module in openerp
Step2 To install web_calender module in openerp
Step3 - Go to Messaging -> Organi...
How to send mail from Any Button in OpenERP/Odoo ?
OpenERP enables utilizer to send and receive emails when an action is done from OpenERP. We can configure emails to be send when a sale is verify or invoice is paid etc. But to implements these type of functionality, we require to update the func...
How to make the sale Order Double Validation in OpenERP/Odoo ?
Sales module OpenERP is utilized to manage Sales from OpenERP. In OpenEPR v7, when a sale is engendered, Utilizer have the option to attest the sale to engendered invoice and/or distribution order predicated on the configuration take in the sal...
How to create Procurement Exceptions in openerp
Procurement Exceptions means A Procurement Exception occurs when the system cannot find a way to fulfill a procurement. Some exceptions will resolve themselves automatically, but others require manual intervention.
To Create Procurement Excep...
Benefits of Using E-Commerce OpenERP/Odoo software
1-An Enterprise Resource Planning Software-As we don't need to describe the benefits of implementing an ERP solution for organization, with OpenERP/Odoo solution, you get a consummate ERP solution where you can manage Warehouse Management, Sales,...
7 Important steps before implementing an ERP system
1- Working on the direct work of your business processes, roles, hierarchy, departments is consequential. Develop a inspired flow ahead of you, initiate your ERP implementation as it extract your timeline and finance.
2- Understanding each emp...
OpenERP V7 and V8(odoo) installation on Ubuntu
Hello guys,
As we know OpenERP(v7) / ODOO(v8) is an open source suit of ERP business applications.
There are several ways to install OpenERP(v7) and odoo(v8).
We will guide you how you can easily install OpenERP(v7) from Launchpad and v8...
How to send email in OpenERP by python code ?
We can manage email sending by .py (python) code.
To send an email in OpenERP using python code you can use the below code.
import base64
import logging
from openerp import netsvc
from openerp.osv import osv, fields
from openerp.osv im...
Create a dynamic view in OpenERP/Odoo
In dynamic view we can manage view from xml file.
Therefore you can create a dynamic view as done in example stated below
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="session_tree">
<field name="name">session tree</field>
How to Implement ERP Software Successfully ?
Since 1990, Enterprise Resource Orchestrating (ERP) software has gained immense popularity world over, thanks to its outstanding features. Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions ensures better optimization of reso...
How to manage your Resource in better way with ERP software ?
For an organization, human resource is the matter of paramount importance. Human resource acts as a clear for an organization, since it is the substructure to determine the generation and the activity of any organization.
A company spends a ...
How to assign current date to a date field in odoo v8
If you want to create date fields to assign current date in .py file in openerp, you can use the below code for this
from datetime import date
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.tools.translate import _
class account_invoice...
Sending Email in OpenERP /Odoo
If you want to Sending Email in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps: -
Step-1 Go to sales Menu
Step-2 Go to sales Orders and click on create button.
Step-3 after clicking Create Button, fill in the above Quotation in b...
The Latest Developments in Odoo That You Have To Know
There are many types of latest developments in Odoo,That You Have To Know.
1- Odoo use external authentication providers, sign in with Social Media-like
(i) Twitter Account
(ii) Facebook Account
(iii) LinkedIn Account
(iv) youtube account
The Top Five Pros And Cons Of Odoo
Below are the top Five Pros And Cons Of Odoo
Pros in Odoo
1- Odoo is based on python languages, and database is postgreSQL.
2- Search Functionality in Odoo- You can easily search across the screen, you can also create advance search as p...
How to make Split Invoices in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to make Split Invoices in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:
Step-1Install 10n_ve_split_invoice module.
Step-2 After that we have to customised 10n_ve_split_invoice module.
In below example, I have custmozied .py file....
How to set the Currency Rates in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install the currency_rate module.
Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file in currency_rate module:
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file.
class res_curren...
How to set the Advanced filters in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install the web_advanced_filters module.
Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file in web_advanced_filters module:
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file.
How to set the Price Security in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install the
Price Security
Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file:
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file.
class account_invoice_line(models....
How to extended the Address in OpenERP(Odoo)?
To extended the Address first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want extended the Address and then write start to end python code to that field.
Use below .py code in python file:
In below example, I...
How to Create Payment Term in OpenERP-7
To Create Payment Term in OpenERP-7
Follow these step given below
Step1 - Install the account module in openerp
Step2 Go to the Accounting -> Configuration -> Payment Terms
then create payment term as show in the figure ...
How to change password of any user from admin login in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to change password of any user from admin login in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to Setting Menu and click it.
Step-2 Go to users->users->Chek user
Step-3 Go to More Menu-> Ch...