My number value is overwritten by #NUM!
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
You must have used a formula to calculate values in the cell that show the #NUM! error. Most probably the formula includes SQRT of a number and that number is a negative number. Square root of a negative number is not real, and probably because of that this error message shows.
over 9 years ago
Apurva, thanks. I have already seen that link but in vain.
over 9 years ago
Did you check whether you have turn on the error check on your excel , if yes then click (on error icon) next to cell which show the error. Click show calculation steps if available, and pluck the solution for your data.
for more you can take help from
over 9 years ago
there can be more than one reason for this error.
Check this link
4 Answer(s)