How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Apply Ribbon at corner of a Box
Hello readers here is a simple line of code that will give your page a new look using a corner ribbon tag... it will help you to add ribbon aside of your working area by using pure CSS code. You can use this code whenever you want to display som...
Readability of rows in a large table is hard to read and understand but it can be easily verified by using even odd concept.
Following Table have 7 row and 6 columns. The number of eve...
Future of web designed is RWD:-
RWD:RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGNED is making the elements and pages responsive for all devices.
A responsive website consist of CSS3, ,media queries and @media rule, flexible images, flexible videos, and fluid type, all of which allow responsive websi...
In html we use list attribute for arranging data in the form of list.
Their are two types of list in html.
Ordered List
Unordered List
If we want to put our data in numbered form rather than bullets then ordered list wil...
When we want to take(collect) information from user or those who are visiting site, for this purpose html forms are use.
for eg:- for user registration in any social site, we want to collect his personal information like his name,last name, ema...
If we want to print data in the form of table in html we use TABLE tag. Table contain rows and columns.
For creating rows in table we use
tr tag with in table tag.
For creating columns in table we use
td tag with in tr tag.
Progress bar
Progress Bar
Progress bar is used for up-to-date feedback from the user's action, it can also be made a user indeterminate.This bar will be helpful when the length of the task is unknown for the user. If you are using progress bar to show real p...
Hello friends, Here is simple code of using Pagination. You can use this code to make your page more attractive and give a easy access by reaching on several pages from a single columns of links.
Pagination is a navigation tool that will help...
z-index in CSS
Z-index Definition:-
z-index property specifies stack order of any element or it only works for the positioning of an element i.e when position is absolute, relative and fixed.The vale of Z-index mostly used -1, 0 ,1
-1 is used for the pos...
@media Screen
Media rule in CSS is very attractive way to define different style rules for various types of screens(tablets/mobile screen) Media queries look at the capability of the device and be used to check various things:
Height and Width of the ...
Multiple images in background
It is easy to add multiple images in the background by using HTML and CSS code only. we can use one image which will repeat across the top i.e (repeat-x) and the another one will across the entire page or it is simple way to adjust every image p...
A layout of a webpage plays an important role in providing a good look to our webpage. A good,attractive and beautiful design can be provided only by a person having good creativity skills that's why designing part of a website is not a easy task...
How to make validation for multiple email validation using Jquery
Hello Reader's if you have implemented multiple input for emails and you want to validate all of them using a single validation rule. By using JQuery you can make this.
Lets see how to make validation:-
Suppose your html page is like this:-
Usually any webpage that has been created is with a white background by default unless until we provide some styling to it.like background color,background image,border-,any pattern or transparent backgrounds etc.
HTML background styling ca...
In javascript we use different functions to display outputs, like to display into an alert box, HTML output, HTML element,browser console we use different functions.
1. window.alert():- Used when we want to display data into an alert box.
Jquery:filter(selector) method
Jquery filter( selector) method:-
It is one of the most important method which we can use to filter out elements from a list of DOM elements.
It removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not match the specified selector(s)...
How to make price range UI using Jquery
Hello Reader if you wan to make range selector UI using jquery this blog will be helpfull to you.
Lets start making this UI. First you have to create html file and it's code will go like this:-
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en"> ...
How run blinking effect of div in Jquery
Hello Reader if you are making the content based website where you want to show div in bounce or blink effect. Here this code is driven by Jquery.
First create html file with name bounce.html and its code will go like this:-
<!DOCTYPE h...
How to make div scalable using Jquery
Hello Readers if you are designing the html UI and you want to make div resizable by mouse then you can use the code as below:-
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<link href="http://code.jquery.com...
How to disappear a div with explode effect using Jquery
Hello Reader if you want to hide or disappear a div then you can do it by exlpode effect. This will driven by Jquery.
First create a blank html file name is exlodeeffect.html and its code will go like this:-
<html lang="en">
How to increase font size of website by just single click
Hello Readers if you want to make a switch button that will increase your font size of webpage then you can learn to code it here.
first you have to create html page name it click.html, It's code will go like this:-
<!doctype html>
How to make div movable using Jquery
Hello Reader's if you want to make a UI where your div can drag and movable all over the screen. Then the followin example is helful to you.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/themes/ui-...
How to generate date selector using in website
Hello Reader's if want to generate the date selector then you can use the Javascript. By choosing JS you don't have to write every month, day or date hard core in the code.
Lets start to generate the code for it.
Step 1: Create head section ...
How to make live clock on website uisng Javascript?
Hello readers if you want to show a live clock on your web page then you can use the javascript to make it.
So lets start with html page. Create blank HTML page name is clock.html, And it's code will go like this:-
How to change background color by click using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you want to change css of any div or section or iframe with just a single click then javascript offers you to do this in real time.
Lets see how to change background color of an ifram using just a single click
<iframe src...
How to validate a form on submit?
Whenever we create a form, we always have a requirement to put validation for empty fields on some input fields on form submit. For this we use onSubmit attribute of the form, inside which we can define a function that will have validations.
How to check if an array contains a specific string in jQuery?
Sometimes we need to check if a particular string exists in an array or not, we can do this by using inArray() method of jQuery very easily.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"&g...
How to get playtime, height and width of a vedio by PHP
Hello Reader's if you want to get the details about the vedio from your local server then you can use the code liberary as below:-
$ffmpeg_path = 'ffmpeg'; //or: /usr/bin/ffmpeg - depends on your installation
$vid = 'PATH/TO/VIDEO'; //Rep...
How to make auto search using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you want to make realtime search listing from text box then here you can learn how to do it.
This code is driven by Javascript. The listing will appear from another page and quick search will works on from page.
So the html co...
How to edit value without text box using Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you want to edit any value from db in the webpage without any text box or form, Then choosing the Angular JS will be the best option
Lets see the example
For this lets start with the html page. The code for this page will go...
How to make dynamic title using Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you are new Angular JS and you want make dynamic title by it then this blog very helpful to your.
By using the title as dynamic you will be free from all the pages with their title, You just need to set it at one place then all...
Attribute Methods
1. attr( properties ):-Set a key/value object as properties to all matched elements.
Syntax:-selector.attr({property1:value1, property2:value2})
<title>The Selecter Example</title...
jQuery - Selectors
jQuery Selectors are used to find out matching elements and select one or more HTML elements using jQuery and then perform operations on them.
Factory function is a synonym of jQuery() function start with the dollar sign and parentheses $(...
How to show user's Lat and Long using google script
Hello User if want to show user's lat and long to screen then you can use the code as below:-
First you have to create a html page and named it file.html and paste the following code in it.
<!DOCTYPE html>
How to insert special symbols in HTML
Hello Reader! If you are new to web desingning and you need to insert some special symbols in your web page then this blog is very helpful for you.
You might have seen copyright symbol , This type of symbol will only generate if you insert their...
JQuery - eq( index ) Method
JQuery have DOM filter methods which we can use to filter out elements from a list of DOM elements.
It provides DOM traversal methods to help us select elements in a document randomly as well as in sequential method.
DOM Traversal Methods...
How to upload files using Angular JS
Hello Readers if you want to upload files (images or music) then now Angular JS offers you a way lot more esier. Using angular give user a light and fast interface which is very useful for low internet speed connections.
Lets see the working e...
How to add two objects into one using PHP
Hello Reader's if you want to add two or more objects into one. Then you can see it into the example below:-
Ideally if you want the data to be together, you should have a parent class which has all these member functions and you should have a...
How to superimpose one image over another using PHP
Hello Readers if you have two images i.e. one png and one jpg, Then by using PHP you can merge both on a single one.
Lets see the example as given below:-
# If you don't know the type of image you are using as your originals.
How to show custom lines on Google Map
Hello Reader's if you are integrating the Google Map in the website and you also want to show custom line on the map, Then this blog is very helpful you.
Lets see the working of this custom map.
<!DOCTYPE html>
How to show bounce effect on google map marker
Hello Reader's if you are integrating the google map with marker showing your address, Then you can also make the marker with bounce effect.
Lets see my code as below:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
How to make gradient in backgound of a div
Hello Readers if you need to show mix colored in the background of the div then instead of using the photoshop images you can also do it by using CSS3.
Lets see the code css for this:-
background:-webkit-gradient(radial, 165 0, 0, 220 -257,...
How to make 3d effect of a div using CSS
Hello Reader's if you want to make your html webpage to look like 3d image then you can use the code below.
Here in the code css will make the background shadow of div, Which will make it appear in 3d.
Let's see the code:-
How to make border with round radius for all the images in website
Hello Reader's you want to make the edges with border and round in shape for all the images in you website then you just need to put CSS3 to update as below:-
border:solid 5px #000000;
-moz-border-radius: 32px;
-webkit-border-radius: 32px;
How to show new messages in desing using CSS
Hello Reader's if you want to make nice view to show the messages and alert count then you can use the Badge of bootstap
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Bootstrap Example</title>
<meta c...
How to make iconic hower on link using Javascript
Hello Reader if you want to make the nice and iconic hower on link then you can use Javascript as below:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div class="container">
<h3>Tooltip Example</h3>
How to make simple popup using Bootstrap
Hello Reader's if you are looking for nice and light design of popus, then bootstrap offers you much better way of doing this.
Lets see the code as written as below:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
How to expand the div with a click using Bootstrap
Hello Reader's if you are new to Bootstrap, And you want to expand the div with a single click.
Lets see the example below:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-sc...
How to make Ajax loading icon using CSS
Hello Reader's if your website is taking too much time to load the data then you can show the ajax loading icon for the time.
Lets see how to put the loading icon in the website.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport"...
How to make simple dropdown menu using CSS
Hello Reader's if you are new to designing the menu bar, Then you can see how to make the quick dropdown menu using HTML and CSS.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>findnerd dropdown example</title>
<meta name="viewpor...