How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to Add Action and Menus in Odoo
To add action and menu in Odoo
Action- There are different types of actions in Odoo:
1- Window: Opening of a new window
2- Report: The printing of a report
3- Custom Report: The personalized reports or RML Report: The XSL:RML reports
How to resolve Severe Assertion Error in openerp
To resolve Severe Assertion Error in openerp follow these step given below
After getting sever assertion error then first :
Step1- In pgAdmin run the following query:
update ir_module_module set state = 'installed' where state = 'to install'...
How to solve error on re-installation of OpenERP or pgAdmin
If you face error on re-installation of OpenERP or pgAdmin, then you need to add the port 5432 for Postgres in Inbound and Outbound Rules.
Follow these step given below:-
Step1- Go to Control panel/System and Security/Windows Firewall and se...
How to Data Mapping using ETL Tools in OpenERP/Odoo ?
The data mapping fixates on the powerful data between systems, It leads to more significant consistency, which results into preponderating productivity, reducing perpetual maintenance costs, amending readability of software and additionally makin...
How to send mail from Any Button in OpenERP/Odoo ?
OpenERP enables utilizer to send and receive emails when an action is done from OpenERP. We can configure emails to be send when a sale is verify or invoice is paid etc. But to implements these type of functionality, we require to update the func...
How to make the sale Order Double Validation in OpenERP/Odoo ?
Sales module OpenERP is utilized to manage Sales from OpenERP. In OpenEPR v7, when a sale is engendered, Utilizer have the option to attest the sale to engendered invoice and/or distribution order predicated on the configuration take in the sal...
How to create Procurement Exceptions in openerp
Procurement Exceptions means A Procurement Exception occurs when the system cannot find a way to fulfill a procurement. Some exceptions will resolve themselves automatically, but others require manual intervention.
To Create Procurement Excep...
Benefits of Using E-Commerce OpenERP/Odoo software
1-An Enterprise Resource Planning Software-As we don't need to describe the benefits of implementing an ERP solution for organization, with OpenERP/Odoo solution, you get a consummate ERP solution where you can manage Warehouse Management, Sales,...
7 Important steps before implementing an ERP system
1- Working on the direct work of your business processes, roles, hierarchy, departments is consequential. Develop a inspired flow ahead of you, initiate your ERP implementation as it extract your timeline and finance.
2- Understanding each emp...
OpenERP V7 and V8(odoo) installation on Ubuntu
Hello guys,
As we know OpenERP(v7) / ODOO(v8) is an open source suit of ERP business applications.
There are several ways to install OpenERP(v7) and odoo(v8).
We will guide you how you can easily install OpenERP(v7) from Launchpad and v8...
How to send email in OpenERP by python code ?
We can manage email sending by .py (python) code.
To send an email in OpenERP using python code you can use the below code.
import base64
import logging
from openerp import netsvc
from openerp.osv import osv, fields
from openerp.osv im...
How to assign current date to a date field in odoo v8
If you want to create date fields to assign current date in .py file in openerp, you can use the below code for this
from datetime import date
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.tools.translate import _
class account_invoice...
Sending Email in OpenERP /Odoo
If you want to Sending Email in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps: -
Step-1 Go to sales Menu
Step-2 Go to sales Orders and click on create button.
Step-3 after clicking Create Button, fill in the above Quotation in b...
The Top Five Pros And Cons Of Odoo
Below are the top Five Pros And Cons Of Odoo
Pros in Odoo
1- Odoo is based on python languages, and database is postgreSQL.
2- Search Functionality in Odoo- You can easily search across the screen, you can also create advance search as p...
How to Create Payment Term in OpenERP-7
To Create Payment Term in OpenERP-7
Follow these step given below
Step1 - Install the account module in openerp
Step2 Go to the Accounting -> Configuration -> Payment Terms
then create payment term as show in the figure ...
How to make user in OpenERP (Odoo)?
If you want to make user in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps: -
Step-1 Go to Settings menu and click it.
Step-2 Go to users->Users
Step-3 click on Create button
Step-4 Name->Email->Adress->Access ...
How to allows and send smses in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to allows and send smses in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:
Step-1Install Entity SMS module.
Step-2 After that we have to customised Entity SMS module.
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can direct...
How to solve "cannot import name models error" ?
Hi Friends,
Please help me with the error, When I am installing partner_sms module in openerp. It is giving me below mentioned error -
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shiva/workspace1/openerp/OE7/openerp/cli/server.py", ...
How to set the Alarms in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to set the Alarms in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to Sales Menu and Click it
Step-2 Go to Configuration ->Calendar->Alarms
Step-3 Click on Create Button
Step-4 Go ...
How to import the Products data through csv file in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to import the customer data through csv file in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to purchases Menu and Click it.
Step-2 Go to products button and Click it.
Step-3 Click on Import Butt...
How to create stages of project in openerp
To create stages of project in openerp follow these step given below
Step1 Install project module in openerp
Step2 - Go to Project -> Configuration -> Stages -> Task Stages -> Stages -> New
As shown in below given figure, one...
How to import the customer data through csv file in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to import the customer data through csv file in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to Sales Menu and Click it.
Step-2 Go to Customer button and Click it.
Step-3 Click on Import Button and file will be up...
How to make Cashiers in Point Of Sale in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to make Cashiers in Point Of Sale in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to Point Of sale module and Click it.
Step-2 Go to Cashiers ->Cashiers
Step-3 Go to Create Button and click it.
How to find out Access controls List in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to find out Access controls List in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Go to Settings Menu and click it.
Step-2 Go to Security button and Click it
Step-3 Access controls List and click it.
How to create department in Human Resources module openerp
To create department in Human Resources module openerp follow these step given below:-
Step1- Install Human Resources module in openerp
Step2- create department in Human Resources module in openerp
and then go to Configuration -> Department...
How to make alerts in Lunch module in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to make alerts in Lunch module in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Install the lunch module.
Step-2 Go to Lunch menu and Click it.
Step-3 Now go to: Lunch ->Alerts->Create->Schedule Date ->...
How to merge data from older database to new database in postgresql?
If you want to merging data from older database to new database in PostgreSQL or want to merge data from other database(db1) to another database(db2), follow these below steps:
from db1, export all the necessary tables to csv using:
copy ...
How to assign task in project management in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to assign task in project management follow the below mentioned steps: -
Step-1 Install Project Management module.
Step-2 Go to Project Menu and click it.
Step-3 Go to Project-> Tasks->Create->Fill in the followin...
How to copy invoice automatically in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 install the account_invoice_copy module.
Step-2 After that customize .py file in account_invoice_copy module.
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file -
def cop...
How to creating customer payment in openerp
For creating a customer payment against an invoice through Customer Payments, follow these steps:
Go to Accounting/Customers/Customer Payments and create.
Select the Partner, you will see all the invoices in the Payment Information tab.
How to Creating Outgoing Mail Server in openerp-6.1
To Creating Outgoing Mail Server in openerp-6.1
Follow these step given below:-
1. Go to Setting->Configuration->Email->Outgoing Mail Servers, and create
2. In Description field, give an appropriate name, example: localhost
3. SMTP ...
How to use OpenERP(Odoo) mobile application?
If you want to use OpenERP(Odoo) mobile application follow the below mentioned steps:
Step-1 Go to Google play or App Store.
Step-2 Install it
Step-3 Connect to server and Account Setup
Step-3 Enable sync services
Step-4 check message
How to create Events managment in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to create Events management in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Install marketing_campaign module
Step-2 Go to marketing Menu ->Events ->Events
As shown in below screen-shot
Step-3 Fill in the...
How to Search product name with different patterns in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install multi_search module.
Step-2 inherit = 'product.product' class in .py(Python file) in multi_search module.
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in multi_search module -
How to make Appraisal Plan in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to make an Appraisal Plan in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps:-
Step-1 Install Human Resources(HR) and Employee Appraisals Module.
Step-2 Go to Human Resources menu->Configuration->Appraisal Plan->Create
How to create new project and Attach Documents in project module in openerp
To create new project and attach documents in project module in openerp7 follow the step mentioned below-
Step1 - install project module in openerp
Step2 - Then Go to Project -> Projects ->Create Projects
Step3- Then Go to Project -&...
How administrator track every user operation on all the objects of the system in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install Audit Trail module
Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file: In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file:-
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from opener...
How to Create Access Control List in openerp(Odoo)
To Create Access Control List in openerp below is the process
The Access control lists determine the general permissions (read, write, create, delete) on each object.
By default the superuser has all permissions on all objects.
If admin provi...
How to Include only parent level class in OpenERP(Odoo)?
To Include only parent level class in OpenERP(Odoo) below is the method/code
In below example I have written Python script to Include only parent level class. You can directly use below python code in .py file :
def addMaterialsRecursive(c...
How to use Stock Warehouse in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install the warehouse module.
Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file:
In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file -
class stock_warehouse(osv.osv):
How to set sequences in openerp-7
How to set sequences in openerp-7
If customer change sequences in invoice Basically ,
The Number you see on invoice is a sequence generated by OpenERP.
You can include some prefix, suffix etc to the number. According to this case, for each sit...
How to restart postgresql database in ubuntu
To restart postgresql database in ubuntu
Run this command in terminal:-
step1- sudo service postgresql
step2- sudo service postgresql restart
use these command to restart postgresql service
How to kill openerp server in openerp
To kill openerp server in openerp when this error occurs->
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
To kill the server of openerp
Run this below command in terminal:-
step1- ps aux | grep openerp-server
step2- kill -2 11141 ...
How to integrate the magento connector in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Step-1 Install basic module like below:
3- magento_connect
Step-2 After that we have to customise...
How to update the sequence of number and checks the value encoded on the wizard in OpenERP(Odoo)?
To update sequence to number and checks from the value encoded in the wizard, first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want to update the sequence to number and then write python code to that field from ...
How to Add followers linked to new partner in OpenERP(Odoo)?
To Add followers linked to new partner in OpenERP(Odoo) here is the process below-
In followers linked to new partner fields, first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want followers linked to new partne...
How to Follow all records of new notification models in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In followers all records and new notification models, first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want all records and new notification models of followers and then write below python code to that field at ...
How to booked an amount in company currency as basis of the conversion into the voucher currency in OpenERP
If you want to use the amount booked in the company currency as the basis of the conversion into the voucher currency in OpenERP(Odoo) follow the below given steps-
Step-1 Install the account_voucher module.
Step-2 After that customize account...
How to Remove followers linked to old partner in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In followers linked to old partner fields first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want to remove followers linked to old partner fields and then write python code to that field from start to end.
Use b...
How to Search through the existing partners based on the lead's partner or contact name in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In existing partners first we have to go in .py file (Python file) After that we have to decide where we want Search through the existing partners based on the lead's partner fields and then give start to end Path to that field.Use below .py code...