Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi -
Make UIImage White Background Transparent in iOS
If you came across to a requirement where you want
by ashish.nakoti -
User's location update on server when app is in background.
Code for those Apps where we need to update user's
by ashish.nakoti -
Animate button with zoom and bounce effect in ios
Many social apps are using bouncing effect for but
by ashish.nakoti -
Crop an image from UIImageView
With the following method stated below you can cro
by kuldeep.butola
Slice an Image into Tiles and Store in an Array Using Swift iOS App
This is a small sample of how we can split an image into multiple pieces/tiles and store these small pieces into an array and further we will show, how these pieces are rearranged to form an image.
So let start with s...
Customize UITabbarController by Collection View for iOS App in iPhone Device
As we have noticed that iPhone/iPad tab-bar display maximum five tabs and if we have more than 5 tabs then only 4 icons are visible with 5th one displaying more option. In case we need to display more than 5 tabs without more icon we need to cust...
How to Fetch data from Plist in Swift?
Property List or plist files provide a convenient way to store and access our data. Data can be stored in the form of array as well as Dictionary. It supports various primitive types such as boolean, data, date, number, and string.
Draw Line And Circle with Animation
CoreAnimation has provided various animation APIs that can be used to accomplish the animation needs. Using UIBeizierPath and CoreAnimation APIs here I’m drawing a line and a circle using CAShapeLayer.
//Below is the function to d...
No Selection in interface builder
With Xcode4.0 and onward(including XCode7.x) we occasionally come across an issue in interface builder which happens while working.
The Attribute inspector in Interface builder says “No Selection” although you’ve object/ele...
Creating SubDirectory using XCAssets
Sometimes we need to be more generic about naming convention of images. We may need same name of assets(images) for various views.
Xcode doesn’t allow us to keep the files with same name and can throw error or change the asset name by it...
How to crop the video from URL in objective-C
If we record the video from our app and need to crop that video in the square shape on any other specific frame then use the following code-
In this code, we need the URL of the video that can be local URL because when we record any video it i...
How to check metadata of an audio file in iOS
Hi Readers,
The below code snippet will give you the meta data of an audio file. You need to add an audio file in Resource Folder. Once that is done use the below code. Let us also understand the code.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
How to use NSAttributedString in UITextView?
We can use attributed string with textView by following steps -
1. Make a IBOutlet of your textView
for eg -
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextView *textView;
2. Now go to storyboard and select your textVi...
Side MenuBar in iOS
Side MenuBar or menu list is used to provide a list to the user so that user can easily move to those pages according to the need. Here is an example of including menubar in the application with the help of a superclass REFrostedViewCot...
Concept of protocols in Objective-C
Protocols are another important feature provided by Objective-C language. Basically protocols are used for a particular situation according to the need of a program. Within protocol methods will be declared which are expected to be used for a par...
Collection View
Collection view is used to display multiple data simultaneously on view controller.Data can be of any type for example collection of text or images which can be display on controller with the help of collection view.
With the help of...
How to fetch meta data of an image in iOS
Metadata can be described as data about data here the metadata of an image we will fetch by using code in IOS9 . Metadata of an image includes resolution,gps location,creation date,modification date etc. here we will discuss a very simple way to ...
How to add new .pch file to your Xcode Project?
From Xcode6 and later .pch file is not created automatically. One has to create it manually.
Following are the steps to add/create a pch file in your xcode project:
Create a new file using: cmd+N
• &nbs...
UI Objects not visible in storyboard when changing height and width specifications
You may often come to a situation when your UIObject(say UIImageView) is not visible on storyboard.
It may be because you’ve dragged and dropped the UI Object for specification(say Regular Width - Regular Height) other than Any-Any.
MFMessageCompose ViewController in swift
Step1: Import the MessageUI using :- import MessageUI
Step 2: class ViewController: UIViewController, MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate
Step 3: when you tap on the button the list of contact will appear and you can choose the contact ...
Blur Effect on screen in iOS
To add the blur Effect on screen please follow the below steps
Select an image on which you want to add the blur effect.
Add an imageView on screen with the size you want blur effect on screen.
Add the effect with the same size on which yo...
Caputre Screen Shot in IPhone
if you want to capture the screen shot of the screen in swift use the code below. this function will return an image that can be used as background image of a view
The size of the captured image is same as the size of device.
func caputreSc...
how to create islamic calendar (hijri calendar) using iOS sdks
Following code will return the today's date in islamic calendar
NSCalendar *hijriCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSIslamicCivilCalendar];
NSDateComponents *hijriComponents = [hijriCalendar components:NSDayCal...
test if an NSString is empty in Objective C
You can check if( [empName length]==0 || [[empName stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] length]==0) this will return 1 else 0
NSString *empName;
if ([empName length]==0 || [[empName stringByTrimmingCharac...
Find the country of the user
To find out the country of the user please use the code below:
1- Add the coreLocation Framework to your project and import #import <corelocation corelocation.h="">
2- Set the CLLocationManagerDelegate as UIViewController
last online status using xmpp and ios sdk
If you are using xmpp server for live chat messaging and want to know how to get the last online status of your friend. Then use the following method and you will get the dictionary in xmpp delegates method.
Message posting in GooglePlus IOS sdk
If you integrating Google plus in your IOS app and want to post some message you can use share dialog. To post message first create an object of GPPShareBuilder then you can set the text or url in this object like below example.