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List of Top Game Design Trends to Watch Out in 2023 - 2024
In the dynamic world of gaming, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. As we step into 2023 and gear up for 2024, the landscape of game design and game development service continues to evolve, bringing forth innovative trends that promise...
The Impact of Game Development Companies on Society: Examining Their Broader Influence
Introduction: In recent years, the gaming industry has witnessed unprecedented growth, evolving into a mainstream form of entertainment that transcends age, gender, and cultural barriers. At the forefront of this revolution creative ga...
From Game Development to Brain Improvement
Many people link video game use, which continues to rise among American children, to various adverse outcomes, such as:
Antisocial behavior
However, recent studies have suggested t...
Blockchain games going one step ahead with Unreal Engine Graphics
The gaming industry is witnessing significant changes. Thanks to innovative technologies. There have been a series of technological developments taking place in this sector. Thus, it makes it possible for gamers to have far better and advanced qu...
Which Heroes Should You Main in Overwatch?
Which heroes should you use as your main?
Team-based multiplayer shooters don’t come much better than Overwatch. Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, Overwatch is a captivating first-person shooter game with top-o...
How Much Does It Cost to Make a Gaming App
Today, there are lots of people looking for mobile applications to have the best past time, and wants to make some money with apps keeps increasing. Understanding this, lots of business people are relying on mobile applications for various purpos...
Top 8 Best Zuobox Games for IOS/ Android
Do you think that it matters if you have an iPad, iPhone, or an android phone? Yes, if you want to play games on it, then it matters. Many games are only made for iOS and known as free iOS games but some of them are made for both android and iOS....
WHAT GOES ON IN AN RPG GAME DESIGNERS JOB? [Hint: Its not one thing ;) ]
I've spent over a decade working in the games industry, from software engineering to production to business development and management, and I'd like to share my experience with you today, especially to give you an idea about...
Be Your Own Boss: How to Create and Sell Your Own Videogames at Home
Even though larger game developers often dump millions into their top franchises, indie games are becoming increasingly popular. With a little bit of hard work and some dedication, you might be able to create a groundbreaking game that shakes the...
5 Open Source Game Engines a Developer Should Know
Game Engine Overview
In the last decade, video games have gained immense popularity. More and more video games for PCs and smartphones are being released, while traditional consoles are partially lagging behind. It is becoming more a...
Virtual Reality Games Development: Market Size, Opportunity and Challenges
Virtual Reality (VR) technology arrived in our midst with a lot of promises. With the simulated world involving game characters and game environment widening the scope of immersion, it was conceived as the next big thing of the tech world. That i...
Designing Gameplay Loop: Tips for Developers to Attain Perfection
Any game developer knows that apart from the game mechanics what makes us the game is the core gameplay loop. Core gameplay loop refers to the main game actions that players engage with and return repeatedly. This core gaming actions make the ess...
Top 11 Next Generation Mobile Gaming App Development Tools You Should Know
Beyond any doubt gaming industry one of the biggest mobile app industry in the world, employing thousands of people. The global revenue generated by it is estimated to be over $100 billion annually in 2017 and expected to rise to over $128.5 bill...
Category Bit And Mask Bit Filter
In Cocos2d,when you define a world for a scene by default all object heaving body in scene will collide with each other.In order to make object collidable with specific one,simply set body mask and category bit at the time of defining fixtures,an...
How To Download Plist File From Server In Cocos2d?
In an IOS app development,user can have two methods to download file from server i.e Synchronous and Asynchronous . So before going ahead ,please take a look to the basic knowledge of these methods .
A Synchronous method is preferable in case ...
Move Body To A Targeted Destination In Cocos2d WIth Appropriate Angle
In order to move body along with the sprite in cocos2d with box2d,you no need to worry about. Just take a look to this:-
PhysicsSprite* sprite = (PhysicsSprite*)body->GetUserData();
CGPoint target;
//set target for the body
Cocos2D Scene Management
One of the building blocks of a cocos2d app is the “scene”.Now,the question arises,What scene is?A scene is specially a node that contains any other nodes visible and is responsible for everything's running on the screen, includin...