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How to convert .AIR file to .EXE?
Hi Developers,
How to convert .AIR to .EXE?, How to silently install the .AIR file on windows desktop when the system does not have pre-install Adobe AIR?, it's a basic problem faced by every flash developers when working on windows deskto...
Types of Errors in ActionScript
The error is any mistake that we make while writing a program which hampers the proper functioning of the program. While creating and running any application we encounter different types of errors. An error produces undesired output or other beh...
Cloning of array in ActionScript3
For the cloning of array in ActionScript there are no built in methods. Thus the cloning is done basically using two methods namely clone( ) or slice( ). For the shallow copy of the array these methods are used without any arguments. If in the or...
Concept of Functions in ActionScript3
Functions are very useful part of ActionScript3 as they save the time, reduce the code and also increases the re-usability of the code. Function is that block or piece of code which can be used reused at any point in the code. They save the time ...
Debugging in AS3
Action Script is a Object Oriented programming language which is used for developing the websites and software which uses Adobe Flash Platform as their medium. For the Flash designer or the animator this language has a great scope...
How to play,pause and stop sound using as3.
To play,stop and pause sound using as3 we have to use following:
flash.media.Sound : Sound class is used to handle the loading and playing a sound.
flash.media.SoundChannel: SoundChannel object is used to handle the playback like play,pause
Drag and Drop movieclip using as3.
To drag and drop a movie clip we use two function:
startDrag(): is used to drag a specified movieClip. MovieClip remain draggage until explicitly
stopped by making call to stopDrag().one movieclip is dragged at...
Internet Explorer(IE) Caching Flash SWF Problem
Sometimes we need to rapidly hit the same API . Like ,"http://myAPI.php?param=123456"
There is a caching problem in IE. Swf hits URL first time and store in to the cache and shows the same result in each response. So to resolved the issue we jus...
Call JavaScript Function From Action Script 3
Some time we need communication between ActionScript and the SWF container for example, an HTML page with JavaScript . So Adobe Doc has a class ExternalInterface , which solves this problem.
First import :
import flash.external.External...
Loading an external SWF file and Instantiate Class From a swf in flex using as3
SWF files are loaded using the Loader class:
1.Create a new URLRequest object with the url of the file.
2.Create a new Loader object.
3.Call the Loader object's load() method, passing the URLRequest instance as a parameter.
4.Call the addChil...