How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
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Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
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Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
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Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
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Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
How to make Tabs ViewPager with the using Fragments in android
In the below example I have created a Tabs ViewPager by using three fragments. Before creating layout firstly I have added design libraries in the dependencies section of build.gradle file. Then I have created three fragments layout, in this I ha...
How to communication between an Activity and Fragments in android
In the below example I have created a commuication between an activity and fragments classes. In the below example user enters name in SendFragment part and click submit button then in second fragment on displayFragment show user name input resul...
Change the color of Switch
In android, switch is the toggle widget that has two states to select two options.
User can simply click to toggle or drag back and forth to select the option.
Here, I am changing the ON color of the SwitchCompat. SwitchCompat is the versio...
How to limit DEX memory usage
Sometimes we are getting errors of shortage of memory at the compile time.
We get such type of error:
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-2" Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-3"
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-4" java.lang.OutOfMemo...
How to create Fragment Communication in android
In the below example I am describing "how to communicate fragments"?, fragment is a part of Activity in android. In one Activity we can use multiple fragment easily and each fragment have it's own functinality. Without activity we c...
How to create draggable image in android
In the below example I have created draggable panel function. This will works like a notification bar up and down. Here first I have added slidinguppanel support library in build.gradle file. Then in next step i have added SlidingUpPanelLayout, B...
How to remove CardView item in the RecyclerView list
In the below example I have created a RecyclerView, In RecyclerView I have added CardView item. When you click on FloatingActionButton a dialog box will open on screen where user will fill name, address and gender and then finally click on ok but...
How to design chat app in android
In the below example I have created a simple chat app . Here first I have added ListView , TextView , EditText and Button in activity_main.xml layout. After then I have created two new layout left.xml and right.xml , In both layout I have a...
How to Create stylish (animation) login page
In the below Example, I have created a stylish login page. Here I have design first login activity_main.xml layout here I have added FrameLayout, LinearLayout, TextView, EditText and Button. Now In MainActivity I have used ViewCompat.animat...
How to Add Popup function in CardView
In the below example I have Created a Popup function, so when we will click on CardView it shows Popup on our screen and when we will click outside popup then automatically popup window will close.
For this First I have added I have added...
How to create notification in android.
1) To create notification UI content and action we make use of NotificationCompat.Builder object and Builder object must include the following:-
Small icon that would be shown when your notification will arrive at your device and it i...
How to Add Dialog box in RecyclerView
In The below example I have created a recyclerview app, in this app I have used CardView. First I have added I have added first RecyclerView , CardView and design support library in build.gradle file .Now I have created RecyclerView a...
Catching while showing images using ParseFile through parse.com
The problem that I encountered when showing images in ListView from Parse.com is catching because we get ParseFile from cloud.
So I first change ParseFile to byte[] and then use Glide library that allow byte[] also to load image.
How to add floating action button with RecyclerView xml layout
In the below xml layout first I have created Framelayout then I have added RecyclerView and FloatingActionButton within Framelayout. You can see below program it will clearly describe you to add floating action button with RecyclerView xml layout...
Count down timer that shows in HH:MM:SS format
If we need to show countdown till in some point of time in future then CountDown timer is the best solution
CountDown Timer sets countdown till in some point of time in the future, with regular interval.
CountDownTimer is the class that han...
How to use ArrayAdapter class in android
In the below example, first I have created ArrayAdapter class and then extend ListActivity. In next line I have store ListItems in String then I have setListAdapter. ”ArrayAdapter class can handle a list item as input, By using this class w...
How to create Swipeable View in android
In the below example I have created View Pager (View pager slider). Here I have added ViewPager in activity_main.xml layout, after that I have created slide_page xml layout, in that I have added a textview and in next step I have created fo...
How to create RippleDrawable button in android
In the below example I have created Ripple Drawable clickable button. Here first I have created RelativeLayout In Relative layout I have added a Button, after then I have created two xml layout in drawable folder first is one.xml layout in ...
Keep the Screen On
There are certain situations when we need to turn screen ON such as live map games, routing, movie, tv apps.
Basically, to avoid battery draining android device fall asleep after some time, but to accomplish this task we have to keep screen ON...
How to Add Title, Subtitle and Image in RecyclerView
In the below example I have created a RecyclerView, in RecyclerView I have added three category (Image, Title and Subtitles). I have also added four diffrent item in RecyclerView. First I have added RecyclerView dependency to Grandle file. and in...
Multidex with Gradle
When our application and libraries references reaches their limits, then we get some errors that shows we reached the limit of built architecture.
Like this
trouble writing output:
Too many field references: 131000; max is 65536.
You may ...
How to show the web page within your application using webview in android.
If you want to show web pages without opening browser application in your android application then make the use of webview as I have done below:-
1) to make your application access the internet use the permission"<uses-permission andro...
Detecting camera hardware
If we don't specify we require camera using manifest declaration, so we can check it at runtime that the camera is available or not.
To do this task, we have PackageManager class.
PackageManager has hasSystemFeature() method to check it...
How to catch changing of View Pager slides
After creating a ViewPager (as I also described here ViewPager) we need to catch the changing of slides event.
To do this we have a listener OnPageChangeListener i.e, ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener that invokes whenever we chance the page or i...
How to upload large apk size on play store using Expansion Library Tutorial
Its usage: To break the barrier of apk size to upload on Play Store
Libraries needs to be installed: Google Play Licensing Library package
Google Play APK Expansio...
How to create OverShoot Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created Overshoot animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created overshoot.xml layout and In MainA...
How to create linear Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created linear animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created linear.xml layout and In MainActivity I ha...
How to add title, subtitle and Image in List View
In the below example I have created a ListView in ListView I have added title, subtitle and image. Here first I have added ListView in activity_main.xml layout, then I have created new list_item.xml layout here I have created Relative...
How to create cycle Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created cycle animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created cycle.xml layout and In MainActivity I have...
How can used volley library & volley methods in android app
In the below example I have created simple demo app used with volley library. First I have added volley support library in build.gradle file, Then I have added Button and Listview in activity_main.xml. I have created a new list_view.xml layout an...
How to create anticipate Image animation function in android
In the below example I have created anticipate Image animation function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in actvity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created anticipate.xml layout and In Mai...
How to detect whether the android device has Internet connection or not?
If your android app is dependent on internet then you need to check whether your device is having internet connection or not at the starting of your app, so to check the same copy the code below :-
To know the Network state in your app you nee...
How can used Static JSON Parsing in Android
In the below example I have created Static JSON Parsing program in android. First I have added two TextView within RelativeLayout. In MainActivity I have used JSON object and JSON array JSON object within curly bracket ({) and J...
Image slides using ViewPager
To show slides of images, we use ViewPager in android that provided by the support library.
First of all add images that we want to show in drawable folder.
Then create array of these images.
private int[] mResources = {
How to create CollapsingToolbar function
In the below example I have created Collapsing Toolbar function. Here I have created CoordinatorLayout and created all layout in CoordinatorLayout. Now I have added AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, ImageView, Toolbar, RecyclerView and Float...
How to create CollapsingToolbarLayout with using Recyclerview
In the below example layout I have created CollapsingToolbarLayout with using Recyclerview. Here first I have created CoordinatorLayout created all layout in CoordinatorLayout. Now I have added AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout, ImageVi...
How to use different font style in android.
To make use of different font style in your android project follow the steps mentioned below:-
1) Create an Assets resource directory in the main Directory of your project.
2)Now download the font style that you wish to use in your project ...
How to create Circular Reveal Animation And Ripple Effect
In the below example I have created Circular Reveal Animation like chat app(Whatsapp). First I have created activity_main.xml layout, here I have added FrameLayout, all layout and attributes like LinearLayout, ImageButton, TextView, Vie...
How to create Bounce Text animation function in android
In the below example I have created a Bounce Text animation function. Here I have added Button and TextView in activity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created bounce.xml layout and in MainActivi...
How to add RecyclerView in dialog box
In the below layout example, I have created a dialog box with RecyclerView. Here I have added first RecyclerView dependency to Grandle file. Now in next step I have Created a Main RelativeLayout. All layout added in Main RelativeLayout then creat...
How to move to next image through swipe in android
For changing the image on swipe can be done by implementing the ViewPager in your android app.
For implementation of ViewPager we need to follow the steps mentioned below:-
1) Create ViewPager tag in your xml file .
Android app development for Beginners 1
In this tutorial following points are covered:
1. Getting started with Android application development
2. Installing Java JDK
3. Installing Android studio
4. Creating android studio project
BroadcastReceiver in Android Tutorial
What is a BroadcastReceiver: Application component
Its usage: Notify the receiver for an event
How we can register broadcast: Static & dynamic
Lifecycle of a BroadcastReceiver
Key points while implementi...
How to create Toolbar text animation in android
In the below example I have created Toolbar text animation function. Here In activity_main.xml layout first I have created Toolbar and added a TextView, then In MainActivity I have used ObjectAnimator class. You can see below program it will clea...
Copy Text from android application
I am writing code to copy specific content on any event.
Android provides clipboard-based framework to do this task.
Clipboard is represented by ClipboardManager class. To instantiate it, we need to call getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)
How to design Business details layout in android
In the below example I have created Business details screen layout. Here, first I have created LinearLayout and added all layouts in this Main(Parent) LinearLayout, After this I have added ScrollView for page scrolling. I have also used Tex...
How to create ListView in android.
To create ListView in your android app follow the steps mentioned below:-
1) Define ListView in your xml file where you wish to show list view.
How to create Accelerate image in android
In the below example I have created a Accelerate image function. Here I have added Button and ImageView in activity_main.xml layout then I have created new directory (anim). In anim directory I have created accelerate_decelerate.xml layout ...
Pop Up Menu Android
Pop up menu simply show Menu in a pop up window anchored to a View.
It displays the pop up below the anchor view if it finds space otherwise above the anchor view.
If we touch outside of it, then it will dismiss the pop up menu.
First, w...