How to check if string arraylist is sorted?
Hello everyone, Can anyone help me with the below
by swati.rawat -
I want to a Eclipse Demo example How to connect S
by manish.bohra
Java Need
I want to learn Java programs from easy to expert Level
can you suggest me some sites for It?
java web app is not uploading images
I need help to understand why my java MVC doesn't upload images. There is no errors just nothing happening.
My project is on dropbox DropBox
Please help me because I'm totally stuck with this.
Please look on it and tell me if there is...
Java erro module not deployed
I need help because I complete stuck with this error in my Java project
In-place deployment at /Users/jakublemiszewski/Desktop/VCMS/VCMS+WS/VCMS-WS/build/web
GlassFish Server, deploy, null, false
How r=to STORE RSS Feeds in Android for offline use.
I am working on an android app that displays an RSS News Feed. Something similar to CNN or other news app. So far the app is working great but I have one issue when the app us not connected to the internet the activity that the RSS News Feed is i...
Java database statment problem
Hello all,
I dont know what im doing wrong, i only want to check the username and password in the database if they exist show, you are logged in but if they do not exist to show.. you have no access to db
public void logIn(Student student) ...
Java bit processing
I want to process a file.txt at the binary level by removing every 5th bit if it is equal to 1. Save the new processed binary file and repeat the process until it can no longer find any more 5th bits equal to 1, then save the final file...
sendRedirect error 404
I'm trying to do a redirect of a login to another page but I receiving error 404.
Can someone explain me how the sendRedirect work please?
I post too a screen shot of the structure of my files inside the project.
Thank you a lot.
No options for import in Eclipse IDE
I am trying to import a gradle project into eclipse. However, when I do File -> Import, it gives no options.
How can I fix this? Thanks.
Tomcat and Servlet/JSP where write a file on HDD?
hi all i am use tomcat 8 and my war file initially i want write a file a .properties file, here the code:
Boolean wflag = false;
String wnomfile="my.properties"
Properties prop = new Properties();
OutputStream output = null;
Java web error in the servlet file
I have a problem to run the next code. I have a glassfish server and I add servlet api.
The problem is when I try to run it this error occurs:
In-place deployment at /Users/jakublemiszewski/NetBeansProjects/JspServletTutorial/build/we...
Checking a list of URL against a search engine to see if it is indexed.
Hi everyone. I am not a JAVA person but I have a situation where I am suppose to check some 3000+ URL if they exist in a search index. I need a java script which can fire these URL one at a time to the search engine and record back the response...
Upload multiple files using REST service with AngularJS and Spring MVC
I am using Spring MVC with Java Config and defined some rest-services. Spring at sever side and AngularJS at client side.
I want to upload more then one CSV files from AngularJS site using REST service. How will be done using Spring MVC ...
Tomcat application server hangs while Deploying web application directory
I have installed Tomcat application server(Apache Tomcat/7.0.61) in an Ubuntu server(Ubuntu 14.10).
When I am starting tomcat server it hangs at deployment stage and try to http://localhost:8080 on browser, its taking more time to load a...
Delete duplicate records from Excel and copy into other Excel file in java
I want to move duplicate record from one excel file to another excel file using java.
Thanks in advance.
How to check if string arraylist is sorted?
Hello everyone,
Can anyone help me with the below query-
How to check if string array list is sorted or not?
I want to a Eclipse Demo example How to connect SpringMVC +hibernate+Mysql and not used annotation in hibernate and to make the hbm.xml and .cfg.xml file with that .