Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi -
Make UIImage White Background Transparent in iOS
If you came across to a requirement where you want
by ashish.nakoti -
User's location update on server when app is in background.
Code for those Apps where we need to update user's
by ashish.nakoti -
Animate button with zoom and bounce effect in ios
Many social apps are using bouncing effect for but
by ashish.nakoti -
Crop an image from UIImageView
With the following method stated below you can cro
by kuldeep.butola
How to use custom sound for notifications when application is in foreground/active mode?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to use custom sound for notifications when application is in foreground/active mode. Below is the code in objective C language for the same which you have to write in AppDelegate file ...
How to create custom library in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to create custom library with the help of AssestsLibrary framework. Custom library is useful for multiple images selection at one time so given below is the screenshot of story...
How to set random numbers from an array as title of UIButton in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to set random numbers from an array as title of different UIButton taken in story board. Random numbers are much needed if you are making a number based gaming applic...
How to drag and drop UICollectionView cell item to another UIView in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to drag and drop UICollectionView cell item to another UIView with the help of long press gesture. First of all given below is the snapshot of storyboard in which collection ...
How to implement autolayout programatically in iOS?
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of implementing autolayout programatically. This can be done in two ways:-
1.NSLayoutConstraint Class
Below is an example which includes a UITextField ...
How to blur UIView in iOS?
Hi Reader's,
This blog includes the code which is used to blur UIView in iOS in a very simple way. This code can be used according to the need of the user to blur the UIView. Code is given below which includes how to blur UIView ...
How to use tabbarcontroller and transfer data from one controller to another in iOS?
Hi Reader's,
This blog includes the concept of TabBarController and how you can transfer data from one controller to another. TabBarController is use to manage different content view controller which you provides according to your need. He...
How to store image in cache in iOS?
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of how to store image data in a cache memory with the help of SDWebImageManager. First of all, we need to install pods in the application to use SDWebImageManager, after creation of pod file you need ...
How to save and fetch image data from documents directory in iOS
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept of how to store and fetch data from document directory. You can easily understand the concept with the help of code given below:-
#import &l...
How to use AFNetworking to make a server call in iOS
Hi Reader’s,
This blog is to use AFNetworking to make a server call with the help of API. Here we are using an API which includes GIF images and other related data. So below is the code used to get response from server. Before ...
How to save and fetch record from NSUserDefault in iOS?
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of NSUserDefault which is used to store a small amount of data in it. Now the question arises if we already have SQLite database to store data then why do we need NSUserDefault?
The answer is other...
How to convert NSData to UIImage in iOS
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of converting NSData to UIImage with the help of a very simple example. Given below is the screenshot and code which is used to convert NSData to UIImage on button click. Snapshot of storyboard is g...
How to fetch data from SQLite in iOS?
Hi Readers,
This blog includes the concept of how to fetch data from database after saving the data. You can go through with previous blog if you are not aware about how to save data How to save data in SQLite. Now we will discuss the ...
How to display collection view cells based on screen width dynamically in iOS?
Hi Readers,
In this blog we will get to know how to resize collection view cell dynamically and according to the screensize of iPhone.
Here is a very simple code given below to perform this task in a very easy way. We will use a method insi...
How to save data in SQLite database in iOS?
Hi Readers,
In this blog, we will discuss how to save data entered by a user in SQLite database. Before proceeding towards the saving of data into the database you should know how to create a database and tables inside SQLite database.
How to display GIF images in view controller?
Hi Readers,
In this blog, we will discuss how to display GIF images in view controller as GIF images are different from JPG images because GIF images include animation. We can easily display the images with JPG format by using UIImageView but ...
How to scroll TableView to a specific position
Hi Reader’s,
This blog includes the concept to scroll tableview cell automatically towards the top according to the condition provided and create index path according to the row and section. Here we will learn how t...
Subclasses in Objective-C
Hi Reader’s,
In this blog we are going to discuss the concept of subclasses in Objective-C language. Subclasses are basically used to change the methods of an existing class or changes the behavior of properties we wi...
Convert string into barcode image
Hi Readers,
This blog includes a very simple example to convert a string into barcode image. As in one of my previous blogs I have explained how to read barcode with the help of iPhone camera and now in this blog I will explain how those barco...
Core Graphics Concept
Hi readers!
This blog includes an example of core graphics with multiple choice option available to the user to draw different shapes in an application. Different shapes which we are going to draw in this application are line, sphere...
How to send a request with parameters in Alamofire
Alamofire is HTTP networking library for iOS and Mac OS X, which is written in swift. Alamofire is based on NSURLSession,but it make network code much easy to write.
Following function is available in Alamofire.
How to create a UIPopoverView programmatically in iOS 9
To create a popover view
Go to your storyboard, set a button in view controller(on click of this button we will pop a popover view).
Make an IBAction form this button to your view controller
eg:- (IBAction)popoverBu...
How to use UIStackView in iOS 9.0
Stack View is a class that allows you to layout views either a vertical or horizontal manner. It saves us from use of constraints in auto layout. We simply embed our views to StackView to make it work. Stack View manages the layout of its su...
Delete object from Parse table in iOS.
If you want to delete an object from Parse DB then you have to run a query to fetch that object and then run a loop to delete it. If you already have that object then just call delete method. Here is the complete code.
PFQuery *query = [PFQuer...
Get thumbnail image from a recorded video in iOS
If you want to get thumbnail image from the recorded video in iOS then you can cut a small frame from that video to generate an image. You just need to send video output URL to below method as a parameter. This method willl return you NSData. Lat...
How to disable user interaction of an iOS app
In iOS application there are only few ways to disable user interaction for the whole screen or UI. Some developers use property (User Interaction Enabled) for a specific control, some uses MBProgressHud class by displaying spinner or some uses us...
Bitcode refers to an intermediate representation of a compiled program. The installation of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps by tailoring app delivery to the capabilities of the users particular device. Apple called this optimization,"app thinning".