Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
How to send pushnotifications via iPhone/Android devices
In this tutorial we will learn how to send the pushnotifications iPhone/ Android apps.
Below is the code that requires the follwoing elements to send the pushnotification from iPhone
1-) The device token to which we need to send the pushnot...
Simple XML GET with php
To get the node values from we use xml file with XML Get . The example to get the data from xml.
Note.xml is xml file,
simple XML with PHP
The simple XML parser
It is used to parse Name, attributes and textual content.
This function is the one which always requires a file path as mandatory parameter.
How to implement 'Remember me' functionality in cakephp
To implement 'Remember Me' functionality in cakephp, you need to follow following steps.
Step1 : Add the following code in app/Config/core.php
Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' => 'php'
'defaults' => ...
Disable back button after login and logout.
Hello Readers! While creating an application what we notice is when user log in to the application using the credentials and while being logged in if user clicks on the browser back button he/she is redirected to the login page again. Same is the...
How to use forget password function in cakePHP
Forget Password function use in cakePhp for making it secure by sending the code to the database in encrypted form, and fetch the value from by using find keyword in the list, this will give you detail on the bases of email id.
encode password before saving it to database
Hello Readers. Here is small code to encode password before it is saved into database.
Add the following code in your Model file User.php
App::uses('BlowfishPasswordHasher', 'Controller/Component/Auth');
class User extends AppModel {
Reset Password link code in cakephp
Hello Readers! Here is a cakephp code to reset your password.
Create a view reset.ctp and paste the below code to it:
<?php echo $this->Session->flash(); ?>
<div class="container">
<div class="midBlock clearfix"...
Forgot Password link code in cakephp
Hello Readers! Here is the code to send link to your email address when you click on Forgot Password link during login in cakephp.
Create a view forgot_password.ctp and paste the below code to it:
<?php echo $this->Session->flash...
Elements and Layouts in Cakephp
If we are required to Create elements and add it in layouts and views ithe can do it as In app/views/elements folder create an element file adminsidebar.ctp with the below code :
echo Hello Cakephp !!;
Call t...
Ajax with PHP
Ajax codes are used to communicate between web pages and the server without loading the page.
lets demonstrate a search through ajax call with php
span {
How to watermark image usimg Qimage component in cakephp
For watermarking image using Qimage component in cakephp first we have to download Qimage plugin after downloading Qimage plugin we have to put it into App/Controller/Component .
Then we have to do all this in our controller....
Sort php array by particular column
Hello friends,
Most of time we need to sort php array as ascending order or descending order but some case we need to sort array by particular column.
For Example:
Given Array:
$inventory = array(
How to remember username and password in cakephp using cookies
As we seen in login page if we click or check the checkbox of “Remember Me” then our login id will be remembered by the browser . This is done by using cookies .
our login form contain email field and password alo...
How to override magento blocks
In this blog tutorial, i will explain how to override magento blocks using an XML- based configuration file. Config.xml is module configuration file in which we will override magento block.
As magento best practices, we should not change any cor...
Override Magento Controllers
In this blog post, i will explain how to override magento controllers.
As per magento best practices, we should not change any core files.
So, what we will do is, create a new module called My_Pant and then we will perform our task to overrid...
Bug debugging in PHP
We do many wrong things while writing the program.
It rarely work on the first time.
PHP generate the error after finding.
We can send the error message to other place.
They can also be sent with other program output also.
Set the ...
How to Create excel files in php
Applications that are written in php most of the times need to export data for some purposes. In this tutorial, we will learn "How to export that data in Excel CSV fomat?" CSV is known as the EXCEL spreadsheet that have the data in a gr...
Regular expression
Regular expression is basically a sequence of character.
They are used for pattern matching.
We can use these to match the string inside a string and can also replace the string by another.
PHP have two kind of regular expressi...
How to get path of function being used in PHP
Hello Reader's! if you want to get the name of function and method being called, Then by using PHP you can do this as explain below:-
Lets's see the example as below here we are using the info provided by a php exception, it's a...
How to get IP address of remote machine in PHP?
Hello Reader's if you want to make the tracking system of your website, then the best way is to get the records of the IP address from user. Getting the IP of remote of PC can done on various ways. PHP let you do this by using  ...
Magento Models Overriding
In this tutorial, i will explain how to override magento models using an XML- based configuration file. Models play an important role as they connect our application to database & implement most of the business logic.
we should not change an...
How to Make Forgot Password in Codeigniter
Many times the user forget their password which they opt at the time of registration, and the developer who is new in Codeigniter framework struggles to create this module. So, in this tutorial, I will guide you to make the forgot password module...
How to create components and use in cakephp
Hello friends,
Cakephp provides a utility packages of logic that are shared between controllers.You can also create your own components. If you find yourself wanting to copy and paste things between controllers, you should consider creating yo...
Error handling php
It is basically the process of catching the error that occurred in the program and then taking an appropriate action.
It is very simple to handle the error in php.
While writing the program we should check all the possible error condi...
Sometimes we are required to do some changes in our core phtml files. Its a good habit of every Magento programmer to override the core file instead of the making change in the core file.
To do so overriding the core file can be done as :
How to add custom page in wordpress through function.php?
Hello Readers, Today we discussed about How to add custom page into admin dashboard and pagination into WP_Query.
If you want to add custom menu page into your admin panel you can create a plugin or write the code into your function....
PHP superglobals
PHP has a large number of variable the are defined already.
PHP provide an additional set of predefined arrays containing variables from the web server.
PHP superglobal
1. $GLOBALS- It got the reference to every variable in the global sc...
Configuring Magento for Debug Mode
firstly Disable Cache System > Cache Management > Select All [check-boxes] > Actions = Disable > Submit
Secondly Re-Index All System > Index Management > Select All [check-boxes] > Actions = Reindex Da...
Upload file to server using PHP
We can use php and html to upload the file to the server.
Initially the file are added to the temporary folder and then are transfer to the server by using the script.
phpinfo.php define the temporary file that is used for the upload....
File input output
Opening files
fopen() function is used to open the file. It require two arguement first the name and the other the mode.
the different mode are
r- open for read only
r+- open file for read and writing
w- open file for writing
How to disable Cache in Magento
Hello Friends,
If you are new in Magento and looking to learn development in this framework. This is the first step to disable "Cache" before making any development activity other wise your development changes will not reflect on you...
How to login with Facebook using CakePHP Facebook Login Plugin?
In this tutorial, we will learn that how we can login with facebook in cakephp . As we see that most of users do not take too much interest in signing up in any website that's why we use social media login by which they can logging or sign up...
include() require()
We can include the content of a PHP file into another PHP file before executed by the server.
There are two type of function to include one php to another.
The include() function.
The require() function.
The include() Function
It t...
Replace all the letters of a string by any wildcard character except the first and the last
Here we will learn how to replace all the letters of a string by any wild character except the first and the last one with the help of the following string function in php.
strlen(string) : This function returns the length of the string if suc...
Identifying Browser & Platform
PHP has given some useful environment variable that are there in the phpinfo.php page that was used to setup the PHP environment.The best environment variables set by PHP is HTTP_USER_AGENT which identifies the user's browser and operating sy...
Cache System in Magento
If we are required to have a custom module and wanted to save some data in magento cache, we will use cache in our custom modules.
To save the data in cache lets see,
$data = array(1,2,3,4);
$id = 'my_mod_id';
$tags = array('coll...
How to create a module in Magento
We will see a basic hello world module in Magento. Before going for we should have some basic MVC idea in magento.
lets make a module before moving on we should have the basics as Module name usually contains 2 parts <Compa...
To make the data accessible across the website we need to use session.
Session create a temporary file on the server where the registered data is stored and the data is made available to all pages.
The location of the temporary file is dete...
How to display the server time with the use of ajax
In this tutorial , you will learn that how to get the server time automatically with the use of jQuery-ajax code. We can make the simple input form in html for time.When the name is input by the user , the time input feild will automatically call...
The difference between constant and variable
In php we have both constant and variable
A constant is a name for a value which can not be changed during the execution of the script.
It start with a letter or a underscore.
It start with constantname().
The differences-
Sql JOINS of Database in magento
Sometimes if we have to write some joins sql query in magento we cand write those joins as :
public function joins()
$table = $this->getMainTable();
$table2 = $this->getTable('customer/entity');
SQL COUNT,MAX operations in Magento
In magento if we are required to work on SQL and Database with the query to find the max and count of the fields in database then we can perform it as :
public function countUs(){
$table = $this->getMainTable();
What is the difference between six different product type in Magento
Hello Friend,
If you are looking to add products in Magento, there are six different "Product Type" under this. Please find out the difference as below::
1) Simple Product :: If you are looking to add a simple product without any ...
Database and SQL operations in Magento
In Magento sometimes we are required to write advanced operations in model and collection, to execute complex sql queries.
The model and collection architecture in magento is like, a magento model class it extends Mage_Core_Model_Abs...
Magento- Add Comment Field In Cart
Hello Readers, In this blog tutorial i will explain how to add custom comment field box to each product in view shopping cart page.
Follow the below steps to create magento comment field in cart & save field data into DB
1. Add new head...
How to display best selling products
In Magento store some times we are required to display best selling products on store’s home page or some other places. To do so we will perform the same as :
first of all we have to create a file in the path app/cod...
How to display most Viewed Products in Magento
In Magento store some times we are required to display most Viewed Products on store’s home page or some other places. To do so we will perform the same as :
first of all we have to create a file in the path app/code...
Prepared Statements in Mysql with PHP
Prepared Statement is the feature which allows us to write a set of sql statement in which some fields values are unspecified. The unspecified field are labeled with the question mark as "?".
for example :
How to create custom user role in wordpress
There are 6 types of user role defined in Wordpress by default. These user type/roles make insure that the user can only use only few WordPress website features only. It minimize the chances of any accidents happening that could potentially...