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Submit form data in Ajax

We will learn here, how we can submit form data with the help of Ajax. First step:- Create index.html file and create a form with the three labels/fields:- Name,Email and Superhero Alias. Inside head tag we have included one css file and two scri

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The undercover video shot by the animal rights group Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) shows with the group calls a complete disregard for humanity during the so-called Battle of the Rays Tournament on the Patuxent River tributary of the C

Create a Simple Twitter Bot with Node.js in 9 Easy Steps

Before Creating a Simple Twitter Bot with Node.js let us first know what twitter bot is and what it does?   The Twitter bot is a software program you write that listen to something to happen and carry out the action in response. It will listen

The Hidden Costs of a Startup Business an Entrepreneur Should Know

Starting a new business usually requires you to have a fair share of resources up your sleeve but calculating the exact amount might be a bit tricky. Sure, you may know the costs of hiring a team, leasing out an office and getting all the certificate

How to Grow Your SMS Marketing Database Without Buying a List

When it comes to growing your SMS database, buying a list should be out of the question. There’s no better way to get people to respond to your CTAs than by growing your SMS database organically, which basically means customers are willing to s

A Point Based Guide To SMS Marketing

SMS is the abbreviated form of Short Messaging Services, which every one of you is well-aware of. It is a form of mobile based marketing strategy, for reaching out to customers through the notion of text messages. Right now, this service is making qu

Router Guards in Angular 4 Application - Functionalities, Types & Examples

Route Guards in angular are defined as interfaces which decides navigation to a particular requested route should be allowed or not. This decision is made based on the boolean value returned from class which implemented one of various guards interfac

How to get or post asynchronously data using ICallbackEventHandler interface in .net

Hello all, Working with ASP.NET web forms, if we want to post or fetch the data from server asynchronously we use ICallbackEventHandler which is an interface that can be implemented in any class by inheriting it. ICallbackEventHandler is an interfa

Versioning of An Object in Hibernate

As we know that the Hibernate API provide us to save, retrieve, update and delete data features, but it's not just that it provides more than that. In traditional database programming what we do to check the data is being modified, answer is that we

How to check if mobile is already register during register via ajax

Hello Reader's if you are developing a user based registration portal and you want to make unique mobile number facility then you can do this via ajax and php. In this tutorial we will see how to develop the portal which will check and verify use

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