End to End Testing
Unlike System Testing, End-to-End Testing accepts the software framework under test as well as checks it's integration with outside/external interfaces. Thus, the name "End-to-End". The reason for End-to-End Testing is to practice a complete production like situation. Alongside the software system, it additionally accepts group/information handling from other upstream/downstream frameworks/systems.
End to End Testing is typically executed after functional and framework/system testing. It utilizes genuine creation like information and test environment to simulate constant settings. End-to-End testing is additionally called Chain Testing.

Why End to End Testing?
Present day software systems are complex and are attached with various sub-frameworks:-
A sub-frame/sub-system might be not quite the same as the present framework or might be claimed by another association/organization. In the event If any one of the sub-system fails, the entire software framework could crumple. This is real risk and can be avoided by End-to-End testing. End-to-End testing confirms the complete framework/system flow. It increases the test scope of different sub-systems. It helps to find issues with sub-frameworks and increases trust in the general software product.
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