Sprite Editor in Unity 5.1
The Sprite Editor is used to slice individual sprites from Sprite Sheet.
When Sprite mode 'multiple' is selected the sprite editor button appears on the Inspector window. Click the Sprite Editor button to open the sprite editor.

To create sprites in sprite editor window, slice the image by clicking and dragging the image. We can also set the pivot point for this image.
When sprite is selected sprite panel appears on the bottom with following details-
- Name is created from the name of the original sprite and the order in which sliced starting with 0.
- Position defines the position of sprite in image. X and Y defines the start point of the sprite and W, H define the width and height of the slice.
- After setting all these properties you can trim the slice.
- On the top of the editor open the Slice menu.
- The slice type is either automatic or grid.
- Pivot point is set to center.
- Method is Delete existing.
- Click on the Slice button and then Apply.
- Then sprites are created then drag these sprites on the scene window and play. Result will appear on the Game window.

Hope it will help you !
Thankyou !
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