Me and my colleague want to start a Digital Marketing Business, how can I differentiate my services?
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Hey Ankur
Thanks for asking Wonderfull query about Digital Marketing. There are already some good replies. My answer is focused on the automation tools in digital marketing.
- StatusBrew: Schedule Posting and Audience management
- Buffer : Schedule Posting
- Postcron.com: Schedule Posting
- ManageFilter:Audience management
- www.marketo.com : Help you to manage email campaigns
- Constant Contact . Email marketing tool for small businesses
Also, check :
Top 5 Essential Twitter Tools
Future of Social Media Marketing for Business
You can contact me on my Twitter handle @iHarishPal
over 8 years ago
Hello, Ankur
In the trend of online marketing, making profit is kind of boom stage beyond the expected success point. and Yes, you can differentiate your services but that totally depends upon your marketing strategy you opt for or the objective you choose.
Talking about the client, he would only choose you as his primary alternative when the below criteria are fulfilled by you :-
1. Be focused
You should be focused on your goals because that will led you towards your success point where your expectations will meet.
2. Create your brand equity
Brand equity plays an primary role in creating the image or goodwill in minds of client. It doesn't matter what marketing strategy you opt for but it will always reflect your soundness.
3. Polish Up SEO skills
If you have decided to enter into the the online it is strongly recommended to polish up your SEO skills because that would promote your business worldwide which furthur led to higher business credibility.
4.Long term strategy
Going for a short term strategy is not a good deal when it comes to Online marketing, Digital marketing requires long term strategy because it serves as an effective framework of making suitable decisions and forecasting the upcoming futures.
over 8 years ago
Hi Ankur
In the world of business & marketing, the strategic focus has slowly shifted from seeking potential clients to making them want to come to you. A client choose you, it depends on your marketing strategies.
Make your marketing entertaining :
You want prospects to attain information about your business, product or service after watching the ad, you also want your marketing campaign to be memorable, funny and worth sharing. Otherwise, it will likely be forgotten so it is necessary to make marketing campaign entertaining which make your product differ from others.
Creating a strong digital profile :
Having a polished digital profile is an important step in getting prospects to come to you. Potential business connections and clients will sometimes search for your name in advance of meetings, so you want to have an impressive profile available for them to peruse. Your online profile allows you to brand yourself and showcase your talents, and in many ways.
4 Answer(s)