How to add mouseleave, mouseenter and click event using jQuery
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
Hi Swati,
You have to set a global boolean variable Flag before changing your image source. Like this:
$(document).ready(function(){ var flag = true; $('.imgContainer').mouseenter(function(){ if (flag) { $('.imgContainer').attr('src','img1.gif'); } }), $('.imgContainer').mouseleave(function(){ if (flag) { $('.imgContainer').attr('src','img2.gif'); } }), $('.imgContainer').click(function(){ flag = false; }); });
almost 10 years ago
We can use the following lines to make the mouseenter and mouseleave inactive on click :
$('.imgContainer').click(function(){ $(this).off('mouseenter').off('mouseleave'); });
This will help you get over your problem. Hope this will help you. Thanks
almost 10 years ago
On the click function call unbind the mouseleave event from the imgcontainer as in :
$('.imgContainer').click(function(){ $('.imgContainer').css('opacity','1'); $('.imgContainer').unbind( 'mouseleave' ); });
3 Answer(s)