Few Common Test Scenarios for the Database Testing:-
Hello Readers..
By this blog i am contributing few common test scenarios for the Database Testing. I expect these test scenario will be help full in the time of Database Testing. These are mentioned as below:-
1- Verify that the accurate data is getting saved in the database after the prosperous page submission.
2- Verify for the data integrity. Data or information should be collected in the single or multiple tables as per the designing.
3- Verify that tables should have the primary key section or column.
4- Verify for all the values for columns which are not receiving null values.
5- Verify that necessary table index should be produced.
6- Verify the mathematical areas with maximum, minimum and float values.
7- Verify the mathematical areas with the negative value. This should be for both acceptance and non-acceptance.
8- Verify for the drop-down list and radio buttons choices are saved properly in the database.
9- Verify for each database add/update activity log should be accumulated.
10- Verify for the database fields are created with the accurate data type and data length.
11- Verify that data should be rolled back only if transaction will failed.
12- Verify that data is devoted or committed to database only if the action is effectively completed.
13- Verify that all table constraints ( Primary key, Foreign key etc ) should be applied accurately.
14- Verify to the stored procedures and triggers with instance input data.
15- Verify that the null values should not be permitted for the primary key column.
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