How Regression Testing Detects Integral Errors In Business Processes
Humans are forever changing and evolving and so to
by kristina.rigina -
Get Display Banner Advertising Opportunity on FindNerd Platform
“Do you have a product or service that nee
by manoj.rawat -
Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Objective C or Swift - Which Technology to Learn for iOS Development?
Swift programming language is completely based on
by siddharth.sindhi
Convert Map to List
Map and List are the two commonly used data structures
Here I am writing way to convert Map to List.
Basically Map holds two things are key and value on the other hand list holds only values.
Both Map and List allow duplicate data.
Below i...
Convert String to Date in Java
Its very easy in java to convert String to Date.
Java provides SimpleDateFormat to handle Date related functionality.
Here we call parse() method of SimpleDateFormat.
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;...
Retrieving Objects parse.com android
After saving object Saving Object parse.com Android
Now I am writing here how to retrieve object using some key here using objectId.
If you have objectId then it is very easy to retrieve object value.
parseObject use ParseQuery to han...
Saving Object parse.com Android
Here I am writing way to save object to the parse cloud.
Parse provides ParseObject to handle to saving object.
ParseObject has saveInBackground() method that need to invoke to save.
Let's consider you have to save EmployeeInfo.
Android Parse.com Simple SignIn
Here I am writing simple way to login after creating user in parse.
Tutorial for Sign Up
ParseUser handles all sign in and sign up functionality.
We login through logInInBackground() method of ParseUser. We need to pass username and...
Get Current Date in Java
We need current date in many situations.
Here I am writing different ways to get current date in java.
1. Get current date using java.util.Date.
Date currentDate = Date();
System.out.println(Current date : +currentDate);
Device Art Generator
To show your screenshots of device more attractive and you want to wrap the screenshots in a
particular device artwork so it is very easy.
Visit here
submit png screenshot.
and drag your
screenshot png image in the device which you want t...
Sorting using Collection
To sort the collection elements Collection class gives us the methods. In case of Set collection, we have
TreeSet that can use to set the Set elements.
We can sort elements of type String objects, Wrapper class objects and User-defined class...
Covariant Return Type
When return type of the method of super class is different than the return type of method of subclass and it
is also a method overriding then it is known as covariant return type.
And here the return type is non primitive.
I am writing the si...
Android Parse.com Simple Signup
After set up and integrate parse.com on your project the important thing is to sign up or can say
create users.
Parse provides facility to their users to access their information in a secure manner.
ParseUser is the class that handles muc...
Floating Labels for EditText in Material Design
We can show floating label for EditText by using android design support library.
When we input text on EditText, it shows animation by floating labels.
TextInputlayout is newly introduced to show floating label on EditText in design ...
Clipboard Android
Android gives us the facility to copy and paste the data by providing clipboard.
We can copy text, binary stream, images or other data.
Android provides ClipboardManager to handle all this.
We have to instantiate the object of ClipboardMana...
How to generate debug SHA1 in android
Here I write command by which we can get debug SHA1 that is use to generate debug SHA1 in android.
This SHA1 further use for Google Map V2.
Below is the command
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androidde...
Vibrate Service in android
To make user experience better by providing good focus on some events when volume is not relevant.
Android provide vibrator class to handling all this.
Below is the implementation. It vibrates just for 500 milliseconds.
First of all we ne...
Snackbar in android
Basically snackbar use to show message like a Toast but here the advantage is we have event to interact
in it.
It shows message on the bottom of the screen. And it will remove when we swipe off.
First of all add this in your gradle file
How to navigate into the folder having space in the Name
In ubuntu, sometimes we create folder having space in between the name of the folder. When we navigate to these type of folder normally, we get message that file not exist.
For example, if we have a folder name Music Folder, Then we have ...
Best Google Chrome Extensions
Hi, Here I am writing some of the Google chrome extensions because they are very useful and I personally love them too. Around 60% people use Google chrome worldwide.
Pocket :- If you want to read or view any content later, you just need t...
Stack in java
In stack, we save elements in last-in, first-out manner. Stack extends the Vector class and have only one constructor that is default. By this default constructor, we can create an empty stack.
Below is the example.
public class Exampl...
Add custom ringtone on Notification
In our application, we can add notification ringtone as we want. Here is the solution.
First of all we need to create a folder named raw in /res/ file. After creating the folder put your ringtone in raw folder.
Then put this code when you...
How to know the call state in Android
Android provide us the facility to know the call state. Android gives this feature by providing Telephonymanager class. We need to implement PhoneStateListener interface that has one method onCallStateChanged().
Below is the example.
Sliding animation when switch to other activity
We can add animation on activity switching.
First thing that we need to do is to create xml for animation. Here I am using two xml for in and out.
set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:sh...
SortedSet in Java
I am writing a way to implement SortedSet in java.
SortedSet have the properties of Set interface plus feature of sorting in ascending order. It is by default provides elements in ascending order. It is very useful in such situation when we do...
LinkedList implementation in Java
Hi friends,
Here I am writing a way to implement basic LinkedList.
First of all LinkedList has the properties of List interface and
AbstractSequentialList class because it implements List interface and extends
DVM in Android
DVM i.e., Dalvik Virtual Machine is basically a virtual machine for android and specially made for mobile
DVM was written by Dan Bornstein.
Now a days JVM has improved so much that it provides amazing memory management and better
ATTACH SQLite Database
Sometimes, we have many database and we need to use any one of them.
In this situation we use SQLite ATTACH DATASE statement to choose a specific database.
Syntax of the command:
How to initialize blank final variable
Blank final variables are those variables that are final but havent initialized at the time of declaration.
So its not possible to initialize it anywhere. Here is the solution.
We can initialize blank final variable only in the constructo...
Comparator Interface in java
Here I am writing a simple way to use Comparator interface.
We use Comparator interface to order the objects.
First of all we need to import java.util package.
It have two methods :
Compare(Object o1, Object o2)
Static in Java
One of the most important topic that we encounter in java.
We can use static with class name, methods name, variables name and block.
Static keyword mainly used for memory management.
Static variable
Static variable takes memory o...
Animation to DialogFragment in android
Here I am adding sliding animation to DialogFragment
First I am adding animation xml in res/anim folder.
Then creating custom style that add to the particular fragmentdialogs's onStart() method.
<set xmlns:a...
Automatically move to next edittext in android
In android, we have TextWatcher interface to keep track of input that we are typing.
Usually it is very useful when we need verification on the basic of text length and content also.
It has method onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int star...
Spelling Checker in Android
Android provides a special feature for checking spelling and it is easy to implement in your App.
Android provides SpellCheckerSessionListener listener that handles spelling checker.
For spelling checker, we have to implement SpellChe...
Custom Fonts in Android
Android gives us the facility to customize our strings font.
For this we need to keep .ttf files of the specific font in assets/fonts folder.
We can easily download ttf from internet that we want to apply.
Then we use Typeface class t...
Communication between Fragments
Here I will explain how we can communicate between two fragments in an Activity. There are many situations where we have to communicate two fragments like we have to pass data between fragments in some events. Here I will communicate through Inte...
Add Dynamic Layout in Android
Generally we add layout from xml but sometimes we need to add layout using java. Here I am adding linear layout from java file. I am creating LinearLayout class which is provided by Android and add params on it. We have methods to set orientation...
Different Language Support in Android
Android gives us the facility to support different languages in your application. The solution is very easy, you just have to define separate values folder for each language and define every String there. You need to add a hyphen and ISO language...
Delete long running resources at onDestroy() in Android
Our Activity do most of the cleanup function in onPause() and onStop() callbacks.
But Sometimes some resources leaks memory like long-running services, background threads.This usually happens when we dont closed it properly.
So we need ...
There is an Application to Receive the Intent or not in Android
Hi friends,
For Implicit intent, we dont need to declare the name of the class but we declare the action that we are doing to perform.
Like here we make a call
Uri callUri = Uri.parse("tel:100");
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.AC...
Get Country name without using location
Usually we get country name by using our location via GPS settings. But somehow on situations we need to get country name without using GPS.
For these situation, Android provides Locale to get our device's country name.
We are us...
FindNerd Project Management Tool- Comparison with Trello and Pivotal Tracker
There are many Online Project Management products available in the market. All these tools provide different set of features and target various industries.
These tools range from simple task management and list management features like those...
Blogging or Video Blogging Both are Advantageous
As we all know that Change is only Constant in this World. To meet those changes and pace-up with the world people keep on joining hands with new technologies. These new technologies have rapidly grown in the world of Blogging which has transform...