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How to get or post asynchronously data using ICallbackEventHandler interface in .net

Hello all, Working with ASP.NET web forms, if we want to post or fetch the data from server asynchronously we use ICallbackEventHandler which is an interface that can be implemented in any class by inheriting it. ICallbackEventHandler is an...

Coding Standards and Conventions

Coding guidelines and Conventions Every object like datasets, class objects and other reference type variables must be declared with null assignment and must be set to null or Disposed if the object implements IDisposable interface, once the...

ClientIDMode on Asp.Net 4.0

"ClientIDMode on Asp.Net 4.0"     This feature is added in ASP.NET Framework 4.0. Problem: The control's client side ID is regenerated at runtime,basically it inherits outer controls id from parent control or place holder...

How to post data using jQuery Ajax POST with .Net

Hello all, Working with ASP.NET, if we want to fetch the data from server using jQuery than we can use Ajax POST method of jQuery. which allows us to asynchronously interact with server and we can get data in the desired format such as JSON or...

Setup for Windows Application using Visual Studio 2013

"Creating Setup for Windows Application using Visual Studio 2013"     To create setup using visual studio 2013 you should have Visual Studio Installer, else you can download this extension from: Visual Studio Extension Ga...

ASP.Net MVC-What's inside-Part2

This is the continuation of Part 1 of article-ASP.Net MIC-What's inside Now we come to 3 folders which are building blocks of any MVC application. So let us start with controller. Controller:-      Here we can create ...

How to send SMS via Asp.Net Application

"Send SMS via Asp.Net Application"     In this article I will explain how to send Free single/bulk SMS through Asp.Net Application.    There are many websites that allow sending free messages such as Way2...

Using Enum.TryParse for parsing value to enum

This is a demo of using Enum.TryParse method for converting string values to enum type. We have function Enum.TryParse under System namespace in Enum class. This method is used for parsing string values to enum type. Signature of the method is...

ASP.Net MVC-What's inside-Part1

The previous article shows a conceptual flow in ASP.Net MVC framework. There we saw that the controller is the central point of execution in MVC.And as you have gone through two theoretical articles on MVC flow, I think you've understood why con...

Send email using gmail SMTP C#

This is a simple C# program that send email to recipient. It uses gmail smtp. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Net; namespace SendEmail { cl...

How to connect to Sql Server in C#.Net

To Create the DataBase Connectin locally with the sql server using some steps need to be follow . But Before establish the connection with the database the sql server need to be configured . Steps to connect with sql server is given be...

Error:A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

"A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client "    If the "ValidateRequest" is set to true and someone tries to submit HTML content (Example:<a> Hello </a>) to the server, this error occurs...

Asp.Net Website v/s Asp.Net Web Application

"WebSite v/s Web Application" In this article we will try to find out the differences between the WebSite and a WebApplication.     Generally a WebSite is defined as a collection of web pages, i.e it can be defined by its ...

How to debug a Window Service Application

Window Service: Debugging    I have discussed about the windows service in my previous blog. (Please visit the following link for reference).  As I discussed in my earlier ...

Window Service

"Window Service: An Overview" What is a Window Service ?     Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background and does not have any interface to the user.It helps to create a long-running executable ap...

Form authetication in MVC

Here I will try to explain the form authentication in MVC. Step-1 Let's start with a new MVC project, following steps: File > New > Project, a dialog box appears, select "Web" from the "Template" option, then on right side select "ASP...

Difference between TextBoxFor and EditorFor in MVC

These two are strongly-typed HTML helper methods and uses lambda expressions when referencing models passed to a view template. TextBoxFor will always show the textbox element no matter which kind of property we are binding it with. But Ed...

ASP.Net MVC-The Flow

In my previous article we talked about benefits of using MVC. MVC is a buzzword these days in IT industry. If we talk about a generic MVC pattern,currently it is used in every language available. Some of the examples include: 1-Cake PHP 2-Rub...

Passing a DataTable Parameter to Stored Procedure from C#

Some time we need to pass a tabular form data to our database. one option is to using loop in Datatable and on every iteration we have to make a Database call. But this approach is not too good and also it's a time taking and decrease our appli...

Formatting the date from JSON and working with it on client side

" formatting a date from JSON and working with it on clinet side"     While dealing with JSON I got an issue that dates in the JSON are serialized as plain strings.     The solution which I go...

Asp.Net Webforms vs ASP.Net MVC

Asp.Net MVC is currently used and much embraced architecture in software development. It offers a layered approach to development by it's default configuration, and facilitates unit testing...

Design Patterns In .net

Design Patterns:- Design Patterns provide generic, reusable designs that solve problems at the design level. A design pattern does not define code and is not specific to a given programming domain. Instead, it provides a proven, tested solutio...

int.Parse(), Convert.ToInt32() and int.TryParse()

I have seen three type of methods that are available in .NET to convert integer from string. Personally I feel, we can use int.TryParse(string s, out int). The main difference between int.Parse(), Convert.ToInt32() and int.TryParse() int.Pars...

Mono : open source framework for .net

Mono Mono is an open source development platform which is based on .net framework. It provides base to developers to build a cross platform application which results in improving developer's productivity. components of Mono C# compiler...

Problem in selecting Radio Button inside Repeater Control

Problem in selecting Radio Button inside Repeater Control:     Incase we are using RadioButton inside a Repeater, one common problem which we face is that we are not able to select single RadioButton, i.e. If we select one ...

HTML Parsing

HTML Agility Pack Html Agility pack is a free and open source library that can be used to simply read and write HTML documents. Html Agility pack constructs a Document Object Model (DOM) view of the HTML document being parsed. Developers can...

How to find a record anywhere in SQL Database

Find value in all tables in a Database Some times we know the value which is in our database, but we don't know the Database architecture and mapping with our code base. So if i want to know that where a particular value store, we can use belo...

Basics of LINQ To XML

Getting Started With LINQ To XML:     Before starting with LINQ To XML,I am assuming that we all are familiar with the LINQ basics, incase if someone has no idea about it, he can visit the following url of my previous blog ...

0 width html character

0 width html character The 0 width charcter (&#8203;) is displayed on database as "". Even if we do replace or index of , we wont be able to see this character. This can be seen if you paste it in notepad++. To Handle this : privat...

Jquery Form Validation in Asp.Net

Jquery Form Validation in Asp.Net:     For form validation first we have to design a form in HTML. Example: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr&...

Basics of LINQ To SQL

Getting started with LINQ To SQL:     When we say LINQ To SQL, it refers to the technology through which we can access Database via LINQ. This has replaced the traditional way of writing SQL Query for Database access, even ...

LINQ Basics

GETTING STARTED WITH LINQ:     As data plays a vital role in almost every application development therefore LINQ was provided as a whole new way to manipulate data, either to or from database, or with XML file or with simpl...

Adding jQuery To DotNetNuke Skin or Custom Module

While parsing the skin from HTML file that has been developed by HTML developer. There are many unknown issues occurs. For example- Sub-Menu does not show under Main menu. Slider does not rotate in Homepage. Layout is malformed. Works fin...

Architechture of Katana

Architechture of Katana based application: There are four layers of Katana based applications: Application layer- Application layer is the client. e.g. your website built in MVC , or console or windows application. This is used...

Hosting a Custom Host Console Application with Owin/Katana

OWIN and KATANA Imagine that you are writing a framework to web developers, a framework like MVC. One decision you have to make is this, how you are going to interact with infrastructure behind you which is a Web server. That's the pro...

How to use Constant & Readonly

Constant and ReadOnly is the C# keyword and use to hold a value for a life of a Program. As the Name implies we can not change the value of Constant and ReadOnly type variable. But there is some difference between them. Constant : Constants...

User Controls in Asp.Net

User Control in Asp.Net: Overview:     User Controls are used inorder to avoid rework & reduce complexity of the application, It provides reusability of the code. For example if we have to display the grid view at di...

Overview to Common Table Expressions(CTE) in SQL SERVER :

An Overview to Common Table Expressions(CTE) in SQL SERVER : Common Table expressions or CTE helps in making complex sql statements easier to understand and maintainable.         It is very difficult to read or wri...

Entity Framework in ASP.NET

Entity Framework (EF) is an ORM framework. ORM stands for object-relational Mapping. Now what is object-relational Mapping.. Object-Relational Mapping framework it self creates model classes depending on tables of database, and vise versa....

Creating a Generic List in .Net

Generic list are the list of object capable of storing any type, including Complex type such as class. It can even store a List of Items as well. Generic list is present in System.Collections.Generic Namespace in .Net frame work. As every ...

.Net some good coding practices

Code practice for Readability Avoid unnecessary regions in class : A class is based on Single responsibility principle. We provide regions in class to surround block of code. I could be single or multiple methods. Regions makes it easie...

What are the Collection and why we need it.

What is Collection ? It's just are enhancement to the arrays. before collection we have array where we perform operation or arranged data in some specified way. Like i want to arrange data for employee salary. So i can create a Floating number ar...

Creating a Generic function to clone an object using extension method

This is an extension method that operates on different types of objects and creates its own copy. This method is generic so it can clone different types of objects public static T Clone<T>(this T source) { var dcs = new Da...

Using Extension methods

Extension methods are used for adding methods to existing classes and types. These are special kind of Static methods but they are called as if they were instance methods. Extension methods are defined in static class and methods are also stat...

What is Web API and how it is independent of System.Web

What is WebApi ? The term API stands for Application Programming Interface. ASP.NET Web API is a framework which uses HTTP services and that is consumed by various clients. In web Api we can return data on the client requests. As, if we...

How to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Requests) in ASP.NET Web API

There are certain steps that need to be followed for enabling CORS in ASP.NET Web API : Step 1: We Have to install the CORS Package, and to install it , open Nuget Package Manager console and type and run command Install-Package Microsoft...

What is web API and how it is independent of System.Web ?

What is web API:-         Microsoft released the ASP.NET MVC 4.0 in Feb 2012 and along with it, the ASP.NET Web API also released. Web API is an addition to the ASP.NET that provides a new, robust HTTP framework for creatin...

How to reset or clear all controls/fields on web page/form ?

Tweaking overall user experience in project, a very effective trick you use to clear or reset all the controls placed on the web form or control. While building a form intensive site, page or control comprises number of text boxes, drop do...

Sample Applicaiton Using OWIN/Katana

Sample Application using OWIN/Katana OWIN stands for Open Web Interface for .Net. It is a interface between web application and web server. It is used to decouple server and application. Steps to create simple application-: 1)Open Visu...

ASP.Net membership provider Implementation:

ASP.Net membership provider Implementation: Before we start with, let us have a brief introduction about Asp.Net Membership: Introduction: ASP.NET membership provides an implicit way to validate and store user credentials and helps t...
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