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Manage old database to new database in PostgreSQl (OpenERP)
In OpenERP if users manage old database to new database and delete all record in old database and use this database in new financial year so using database query in Postgresql framework to manage database. This is very helpful for new financial y...
How to copy data form account_invoice_line table in PostgreSQL
To copy data from account_invoice_line table in account module in PostgreSQL use this code in pgadmin and user can copy data from account_invoice_line table.
Copy account_invoice_lines
copy (SELECT *
How to merge data from older database to new database in postgresql?
If you want to merging data from older database to new database in PostgreSQL or want to merge data from other database(db1) to another database(db2), follow these below steps:
from db1, export all the necessary tables to csv using:
copy ...
How to restart postgresql database in ubuntu
To restart postgresql database in ubuntu
Run this command in terminal:-
step1- sudo service postgresql
step2- sudo service postgresql restart
use these command to restart postgresql service
How to setup a postgreSQL in OpenERP
The default superuser for PostgreSQL is called postgres. You may need to login as this user first.
Than use this commond in terminal
openerp@ubuntu:/$ sudo su postgres
password: XXXXXXXXXX
Now create PostgreSQL user openerp using the fo...
Avoiding gap in ids for a table in OpenERP PostgreSQL
Sometimes when we delete few or all records from a table, we may want ids of records to be in sync with the last record or the first one, but what we get is that new ids with a significant amount of gap have been generated, for example if it shou...