Function calling on button click in OpenERP
Adding a button on an OpenERP view is very easy an
by dinesh.singh
How to setup Google Drive in OpenERP(Odoo)?
If you want to setup Google Drive in OpenERP (Odoo) follow the below mentioned steps: -
Step-1 install Google Drive integration module.
Step-2 Go to the Settings menu and click it.
Step-3 Go to Google Drive ->Template
How to generate bar code image and bar code value in OpenERP(Odoo)?
To generate bar code image and bar code value in OpenERP(Odoo), you have to follow 3 simple steps as given below.
Step-1 Click Bar-code Menu
As shown in below screen-shot
Step-2 Click on Barcode->Barcode ->Model ->Res Id -...
How to manage counterpart in Point of sale in OpenERP(Odoo)?
Below is a code of Python script for counterpart. Below python code is written in .py file :
insert_data('counter_part', {
'name': _("Trade Receivables"), #order.name,
'account_id': order_account,
How to configure the Barcode through Python code in OpenERP(Odoo)?
In below example I have written Python script to configure barcode. It will print one barcode on each page based on quantity available of selected products. Like below python code in .py file :
import logging
from openerp.osv import field...