Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
Display Post in WordPress Home Page
When you works in Wordpress the loop is the main part of your template to show the post to the user, using the loop you defines how you want to show the content to your user, Lets take a look how you can show the posts in index.php in WP site , ...
Wordpress Querying Posts
The querying posts means to modify/filter the query of a page or add new query in the page. There are lot of ways to modify query of a page or post by replacing it with new instance of the query.
You can achieve this to query a wordpress post ...