Freelancer Required with JAVA, HTML & SEO Skills for Maintaining My Retail Website
I have a website for retail sales that I'd lik
by Bijan.janati -
Android App Development Required for Personal Exercise Diary Application
I have been exercising for years, using an excel-b
by rabbixl@gmail.com -
PHP sr. developer
• Experiencia mínima de 3 años programando con
by jardouin
Senior PHP/JS + Python Developer Required
We are expanding our development team and looking for a Senior PHP/JS + Python developer.
You need to speak English
Have at least 5-7 years of commercial experience
Be great in PHP (Laravel, Symfony or both),
Be great...
Looking for SQL, NodeJs and PHP Programmers to join Our Startup
We are looking for programmers that know SQL, NodeJs and PHP, as well as web designers, to join our startup.
- Applicants must be able to take initiative when it is needed
- Applicants must be creative
- ...
[Paid/Partnership] Kinky Dating Site With Long-Term Plans
Hi! I'm new here, this is my first post. I'm Nookie, and I run a dating site for kinksters originally built on an Oxwall/SkaDate framework and customized.
In seven months, we've grown to 22,000 users, despite bugs, slowne...
Fr den Standort Berlin suchen wir zum nchstmglichen Termin eine/n
PHP Leadentwickler/Teamleiter (m/w)
Deine Aufgaben
Aufbau eines eigenen Entwickler-Teams mit dem Ziel fachliche und eventuell disziplinarische Fhrung eines bis zu 5 kpfig...
Wir are looking for PHP / WEB Senior & Developers
Wir suchen begeisterte und erfahrene Software-Entwickler*innen fr Spryker-Projekte!
Hereinspaziert, aber: Fe abtreten und Hnde waschen! Denn wir produzieren ausschlielich Clean Code. Kannst du? Willst du? Dann knnen wir Freunde werden und ei...
PHP sr. developer
Experiencia mnima de 3 aos programando con frameworks PHP MVC
Experiencia en desarrollos utilizando web services REST
Conocimientos en diseo y desarrollo de bases de datos relacionales (PosgreSQL, Oracle)
Experiencia mnima trabajando co...