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Capybara Finders

Finders should be very powerful to locate elements on the webpage. Capybara provides a wide range of finders to locate the elements: find find_field find_link find_button find_by_id find_labeled Let's suppose we have the following HTML

How to use Validation in CakePHP using Ajax in 2.4.1 version?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd,today we are going to discuss how to use Validation in CakePHP using Ajax in 2.4.1 version? Validation is very important feature for user input in a web application. By validation we can make sure that the data in


What Is Anomaly ? In the software testing field, anomaly is a kind of output or result which is distinct from the prospective output. By using a report or document we can make the result of this performance. Sometime an anomaly can also apply to a

Launching wizards in Odoo9

Launching wizards is use to show the view of any project in Odoo and using an ir.actions.act_window record like above, but with an extra field src_model which specifies that in the context of which model the the action is available. The wizard will a

How to Create Database in cake php

CakePHP database configuration details are in a file that is located at app/Config/database.php. This database file user can edit the file in the notepad or sublime and can edit the feilds by which it will be connected to the database.Filling all fie


INTERSECT Clause: It works similar like union clause as it is used to combine two SELECT statements, but it returns  tuples only from first SELECT statement which are common to tuples in the second SELECT statement. Syntax: SELECT colum

How to send mail from Any Button in OpenERP/Odoo ?

OpenERP enables utilizer to send and receive emails when an action is done from OpenERP. We can configure emails to be send when a sale is verify or invoice is paid etc. But to implements these type of functionality, we require to update the function

How to use __Call magic function in PHP

Hellow Reader's !, Before going to Discuss about __Call Function in PHP u should know about Magic Function in PHP. If you have ever looked at the source code of open source PHP projects, you might have noticed object methods that begin with a dou

PDF generation using Apache FOP

Hello readers,       This blog is to help you to learn how to generate PDF using Apache's FOP in Java. Apache FOP ( Formatting Object Processor ) which uses XSL-FO to create PDF file of our document. Here is a simple ex

Form Helpers in Rails Part 1 (Basics)

Hi Friends, In my previous blogs, I have talked about so many topics related to Ruby on Rails. Now today I am going to start form helpers in rails. As all the points can't be covered in one blog, I am dividing it into parts. Today I will be dealing w

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