over 11 years ago
At times we need to change the message that is displayed after a node is saved.Follwing code helps to customize using form_alter.
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if($form['form_id']['#value'] =='formvalue') { if($form['buttons']['submit']['#submit']){ $form['buttons']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'mymodule_submit_function'; } } } function mymodule_submit_function($form, &$form_state){ global $_SESSION; $insert = empty($form_state['values']['nid']); if($insert){ //Write your custom message text here if($form['nid']['#post']['form_id'] == 'formvalue'){ $keys = array_keys($_SESSION['messages']['status']); $last_key = end($keys); $message = 'My custom messge after node save'; $_SESSION['messages']['status'][$last_key] = $message; } } }
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