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  • android google map is showing only one marker using volley library

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    I am using Google Map inside the "Fragment" using sqlite database connection through volley library.

    I have 4 location, but my map is showing only one marker. I don't know where exactly getting wrong.

    Where do I need to change in my code to get all 4 location markers?

    My PHP file:

             define('&#95;&#95;ROOT&#95;&#95;', dirname(dirname(&#95;&#95;FILE&#95;&#95;))); 
              // Connecting to mysql database
              $mysqli = new mysqli(DB&#95;HOST, DB&#95;USER, DB&#95;PASSWORD, DB&#95;DATABASE);
                // json response array
                  $response = array("error" => FALSE);
                // get the tree details for google map marker
                  if($stmt = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tree")){
                   if ($stmt->num&#95;rows) {
       while($tree = $stmt->fetch&#95;assoc()) {
        $response["error"] = FALSE;
        $response ["tree"] ["treeid"] = $tree['treeid'];
        $response ["tree"] ["treespecies"] = $tree['treespecies'];
        $response ["tree"] ["treelatitude"] = $tree['treelatitude'];
        $response ["tree"] ["treelongitude"] = $tree['treelongitude'];
     echo json&#95;encode($response),'<br>';
      }else {
         // user is not found with the credentials
    $response["error"] = TRUE;
    $response["error&#95;msg"] = "Tree list view credentials are wrong. Please    try again!";
    echo json&#95;encode($response);


    The output of PHP File:

      {"error":false,"tree":                                                     {"treeid":"2","treespecies":"Hatti","treelatitude":"5.5","treelongitude":"5.5"}}
          {"error":false,"tree":  {"treeid":"1","treespecies":"Kattoda","treelatitude":"15.4030008","treelongitude":"75.0770729"}}
              {"error":false,"tree":  {"treeid":"99","treespecies":"Halasu","treelatitude":"0","treelongitude":"0"}}


      btMap.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            String search = String.valueOf(inputSearch.getSelectedItem()).toString();
            mMap = mMapView.getMap();
            Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), "Locations of " + search + " trees", Toast.LENGTH&#95;LONG).show();
            if (search.equals("All Locations")) {
                double latitude = 0;
                double longitude = 0;
                String mark;
                Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), "All trees locations ", Toast.LENGTH&#95;LONG).show();
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), "Location are not available ", Toast.LENGTH&#95;LONG).show();
    return v;


      private void getLocations() {
    // Tag used to cancel the request
    String tag&#95;string&#95;req = "req&#95;location";
     // pDialog.setMessage("Logging in ...");
     // showDialog();
    StringRequest strReq = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,
            AppConfig.URL&#95;MAPLOCATION, new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Location Response: " + response.toString());
            try {
                JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(response);
                boolean error = jObj.getBoolean("error");
                // Check for error node in json
                if (!error) {
                    for (int tree = 0; tree < jObj.length(); tree++) {
                        JSONObject location = jObj.getJSONObject("tree");
                        String treeid = location.getString("treeid");
                        String treespecies = location.getString("treespecies");
                        Double treelatitude = location.getDouble("treelatitude");
                        Double treelongitude = location.getDouble("treelongitude");
                        LatLng latlng = new LatLng(treelatitude, treelongitude);
                        mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().title(treeid)
                                        .position(new LatLng(treelatitude, treelongitude))
                        // Moving CameraPosition to last clicked position
                        // Setting the zoom level in the map on last position is clicked
                    // Launch main activity
                } else {
                    // Error in login. Get the error message
                    String errorMsg = jObj.getString("error&#95;msg");
                            errorMsg, Toast.LENGTH&#95;LONG).show();
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                // JSON error
                Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), "Json error: " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH&#95;LONG).show();
    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Login Error: " + error.getMessage());
                    error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH&#95;LONG).show();
    }) {
      // Adding request to request queue
      AppController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(strReq, tag&#95;string&#95;req);

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