//============= A simple program to demonstrate the use of "const" keyword with pointers==================
* By => Bipin Gosain
* Date => 17/4/2016
#include <iostream>
int main(){
using std:: endl;
using std:: cout;
//========= Part I ===========
int data = 100;
const int *pointerToAConstValue = &data;//A pointer to a constant value
*pointerToAConstValue = 1;//Error
data = 1;//No error
//========= Part II ===========
const int data = 100;//constant value
const int *pointerToAConstValue = &data;//A pointer to a constant value
*pointerToAConstValue = 1;//Error
data = 1;//Error
//========= Part III ===========
int data = 100;//constant value
int anotherVariable = 200;
int * const pointerToAConstValue = &data;//A constant pointer ...it can't point to any other location(Address)
*pointerToAConstValue = 20;//No Error
cout << "value at pointer "<< *pointerToAConstValue << endl;
data = 1;//No Error
cout << "value at pointer "<< *pointerToAConstValue << endl;
pointerToAConstValue = &anotherVariable;//Error
Following program is to demonstrate the use of const keyword with pointers:
PART I : shows the pointer to a constant value which can't be changed by the pointer but can be changed directly.
PART II : shows a constant value being pointed which cannot be changed by the pointer or directly.
PARTIII : shows the use of constant pointer which cannot point to any other variable expect to which it is pointing.
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