Adapting a product to local and regional market called localization.
Sometimes it is referred as l10n.
A characteristics of development and testing related to the translation of the software (product) and its content to the end user.
- This includes choosing appropriate symbols, graphics and cultural consideration in a software program(product).
Goal of localization is : Appropriate linguistic and cultural aspects.
- It is performed by translators, localizers, language engineers or experts.
Developing a (software) product in such a way that it will be easy to adapt it in other markets(languages and cultures).
Some people refer this as globalization.
A characteristics of development and testing related to handling foreign text and data within a software program
Goal of internationalization: Reduce the middle layer to rewrite the original program in different variants.
- It is carried out by software development with localization.
- Handling foreign text and data with a program.
- Correct conversion of desired data according to the respective location like handling of currency and data and time formats.
- It also comprise the job of detaching(strings) user interface text from the origin code.
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