In Wordpress, How user can fill pdf forms online and after that do online signature and send?
over 9 years ago
about 8 years ago
Either you can create a form custom form and add upload the signature or you can create form and leave the space for signature ,after downloading form( i.e pdf format) followed by user signature provide an option to user to upload that form. -
over 9 years ago
Welcome to Findnerd. You want to use pdf for online form so you need to check the different plug-ins available for pdf. Kindly check the different pdf related plugins
https://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/pdfHave you used the gravity forms?. There is other plugins which works with gravity forms. Kindly check this plugin from here https://wordpress.org/plugins/gravity-forms-pdf-extended/
If you want to develop any unique functionality then you can modify the existing plugin or build your own plugin with the help of other plugins.
Thank you
Deepak Verma -
2 Answer(s)