First we add dll of chargify
using ChargifyNET;
Create the object of subscription
ISubscription newSubscription;
newSubscription = new ChargifyNET.Subscription();
Connect to the chargify by giving URL,apikey and password
ChargifyConnect objChargifyConnect = new ChargifyNET.ChargifyConnect(URL, apiKey, apiPassword);
Create the customer obect
ICustomer chargifyCustomer = new Customer();
load customer
chargifyCustomer= objChargifyConnect.LoadCustomer(customerid );
load subscription
newSubscription objChargifyConnect.LoadSubscription(subscription_id);
Now we get the subscription information by using following properties
DateTime ActivatedAt=newSubscription.ActivatedAt;//Get date when subscription is activated
double balanceamount=newSubscription.Balance; //Get Balance
DateTime CanceledAt= newSubscription.CanceledAt; //Get date when subscription is cancelled
string cancellationmessage=newSubscription.CancellationMessage; //Get cancellation message
DateTime CurrentPeriodEndsAt= newSubscription.CurrentPeriodEndsAt; //Get date when current period ends
DateTime CurrentPeriodStartedAt=newSubscription.CurrentPeriodStartedAt; //Get date when current period starts
string customer= newSubscription.Customer; //Get customer
DateTime ExpiresAt= newSubscription.ExpiresAt; //Get date when subscription expires
DateTime LastUpdated= newSubscription.LastUpdated; //Get last updated date
string productname= newSubscription.Product.Name; //Get the name of product
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