I have the following CTE's, and I'm trying to combine XML1 and XML2 CTE's in Sql Server by their common refid key.
;With TBL1_Fruits As
(Select '1' as refid,
'Apples' as fruits,
'Red' as color,
'Macintosh' as category union
Select '2' as refid,
'Oranges' as fruits,
'Orange' as color,
'Bergamot' as category union
Select '3' as refid,
'Bananas' as fruits,
'Yellow' as color,
'Cavendish' as category)
,TBL1_Export As
(Select 'X1234' as ShipID,
'USA' as Country,
'FarmersToYou' as Brand,
'1' as refid union
Select 'Y1234' as ShipID,
'Costa_Rica' as Country,
'Chiquita' as Brand,
'3' as refid union
Select 'Z1234' as ShipID,
'USA' as Country,
'Hawaiia_Sun_Tropical' as Brand,
'2' as refid)
,TBL2_Price As
(Select '1' as refid,
'4.50' as price,
'lb' as unit union
Select '2' as refid,
'6.50' as price,
'lb' as unit union
Select '3' as refid,
'2.50' as price,
'lb' as unit)
,TBL2_Costs As
(Select '1' as refid,
'1.50' as shipping_cost,
'3.00' as profit,
'lb' as unit_rev union
Select '2' as refid,
'3.00' as shipping_cost,
'3.50' as profit,
'lb' as unit_rev union
Select '3' as refid,
'0.50' as shipping_cost,
'2.00' as profit,
'lb' as unit_rev)
,XML1 As (Select * From (
Select refid, fruits, color, category,
(Select Distinct ShipID, Country, Brand from TBL1_Export
Where TBL1_Export.refid = TBL1_Fruits.refid
FOR XML PATH ('FruitAttributes'),TYPE)
From (Select Distinct refid, fruits, color, category From TBL1_Fruits)
FOR XML PATH (''), ROOT('FruitInfo'), TYPE) As x(Fruits))
,XML2 As
(Select * From (
Select refid, price, unit,
(Select Distinct shipping_cost, profit, unit_rev from TBL2_Costs
Where TBL2_Price.refid = TBL2_Costs.refid
FOR XML PATH ('FruitProfit'),TYPE)
From (Select Distinct refid, price, unit From TBL2_Price) TBL2_Price
FOR XML PATH (''), ROOT('FruitRevenue'), TYPE) As c(Fruits))
The final output should look like the following (using 1 refid as an example):
I'm just wondering if anyone can help me formulate the SQL query to join XML1 and XML2 to produce the above output using refid.
Thank you so much,
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