How to Get Rid of Oreo Signalr Issue in Android 8.0
almost 7 years ago
almost 7 years ago
First of all, substitute the official files of SignalR SDK with the files that you can find at this link: https://github.com/eak65/FixedSignalRJar
When you do that, edit the "build.gradle" file of your application, adding the following code in the "android" block, after the "buildTypes" block:
splits {
abi {
enable true
include 'x86', 'armeabi-v7a'
universalApk true
packagingOptions {
exclude 'lib/getLibs.ps1'
exclude 'lib/getLibs.sh'
exclude 'lib/gson-2.2.2.jar'
The above solution helped me after a lot of struggling! I hope it helps you too! -
almost 7 years ago
Well, it seems I solved my problem. Try to get to source code and add it to your project.
In my case, after rebuilding the project using the new gradle and targetSdk to 26, it starts running, BUT signalR never connected.
So, I was debuging my last project and noted that some classes were different, then I simply copy the classes from the last project (built signalr-client-java.jar) to the source code imported to my new project. And now it works fine.
If my explanation is confusing, feel free to ask. -
almost 7 years ago
Hello @TradeTech, I had the same issue, and solve THIS issue compiling the signalr-client source code using new gradle and android sdk (26).
But now I got new issue... it seems not working properly, the app installs as expected, but the signalR seems to not connected.
Please someone help us -
3 Answer(s)