How is Content Marketing different from Digital Marketing? What are the key differences?
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Hey Rinki,
Manmohan and others have already put in some good answers with idioms, facts, and real life examples. So, I am just adding some more points that were left out. As you are planning for the start-up business, I will answer keeping that in perspective. You can also check: Online Marketing Every Business Owner should Know
Digital Marketing:
Its a very wide term that includes various methods, like content marketing, which is one of the most important methods. Basically, digital marketing is the technique to promote, share and influence target customers/ audience, using only a digital medium.
Content Marketing:
Its the process of creating content and then sharing it to inform, attract, influence, inspire the target audience. It can be done via Blogs, Infographics, Video blogs, articles, memes, animation etc
Some of the examples of digital marketing are:
- Create your Own Website: For help: How to Build an SEO Friendly Website from Scratch
- Social Media Marketing (Paid/ Free): For help: Future of Social Media Marketing for Business
- Search Engine Optimization(SEO)- Read this : SEO
- Business Listing: Local SEO
- Content Marketing Read this
- Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign About PPC Traffic
- Remarketing : Know here
- Email Marketing Read about: Email Marketing
- Video Marketing Video Marketing
Rinki, I guess this will definitely help you start your own business. For more help contact me on Twitter @iHarishPal .
over 8 years ago
Content Marketing is aimed at attracting potential consumers and retaining the old ones by generating valuable and consistent content with the intention of promoting the brand. Consumer behavior is recorded from such marketing and strategic planning is done in order to attract more such potential consumers.
It is an indirect way of communicating with your customers without actually selling your product. The main motive behind content marketing is to make your presence registered in front of the audience, to deliver enriched information to the buyers such that they revert us with their business and loyalty.
Digital Marketing, on the other hand, is aimed at the promotion of the brand/product via one or more forms of electronics media channels. Content marketing is a part of digital marketing among many others like Social media marketing, SEO, Email marketing, PPC, Online advertisements, etc.
Digital Marketing on social media channels also acts as a support platform for organizations where they can interact with customers, address their problems and take necessary actions for the same.
Moreover, digital marketing also monitors what content is being loved, what is not, what generate more leads, how much time is spent on what content etc.
over 8 years ago
I am completely agree with Manmohan about his view on the difference between content marketing and digital marketing. Let me here explain some key differences and the co-relation between both of them.
Content marketing is like a planned strategic approach that is implemented with the core vision to capture and sustain targeted audience as per your business niche which help to bring more profitable customer actions. Content marketing involves the creation and distribution of relevant, valuable and consistent content across all valuable online content distribution channels in the form of sharing high quality blog content, articles, images, videos, infographics, photos, ePapers, etc.
Digital marketing is a process where we use several marketing methods including content marketing in order to promote our product or service in front of the target audience. The types of digital marketing can be categorized into :
- e-Mail marketing
- Search Engine Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Online Ads
The co-relation between them is that, Content Marketing is a subset and an important part of digital marketing where various digital mediums are used to publish content and market your brand. For a successful branding content marketing should be well strategized along with planned digital marketing campaign.
Hope these are helpful for you to understand the key differences.
over 8 years ago
Hi Rinki,
I agree with Manmohan and Manoj. Content marketing is the process of creating high-quality, valuable content to attract, inform and engage the audience through blog content, articles, images, videos, infographics, photos, ePapers, etc. while also promoting the brand itself. Content marketing and Digital marketing both are connected to each other. Marketing is the communication between a company and the consumer audience that aims to increase the value of the company or to raise the profile of the company and its products in the public mind. So good marketing strategies are necessary to grow any business in this whole competitive world and to aware customer about products and services through this, on the other hand Digital marketing is a process where we use several marketing methods to promote our product or service in front of the target audience like Email,PPC,SEM, Adsense etc.
over 8 years ago
Content marketing entails creation of media, like blog posts, articles, e-books, videos, infographics, photos, white papers, e-newsletters, etc. in order to engage target audience. Digital marketing, on the other hand, is about promoting products and services. A digital marketer makes use of digital channels, like social media, digital signage, telephony, e-books, etc, to promote products and services. Some people believe that digital marketing and content marketing are one and the same thing. But, they both are different. However, they are interconnected to each other. Without good content, digital marketing will fail to reap the desired results. Likewise, without good digital marketing strategy, no matter how good your content is, it won't catch eyeballs of people.
Content marketing and digital marketing are two facets of the same coin. I hope I have been able to remove the ambiguity between content marketing and digital marketing.
about 6 years ago
Content marketing basically is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online.
Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. -
over 8 years ago
Thankyou so much guys for your valuable support. This will really help me.
7 Answer(s)