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How to export combine animations of two characters?
Hello Guys!!!
I am working on an endless running 3d game project using 3ds Max. I have 2 characters. one of them is a small kid character and another one is a security guard.Both have separate files containing their animations.
I have c...
how to snap in Max 2016?
Hi all !!!
I stuck into problem in 3ds Max. When i turn snapping on. my object is snapping with all orientations.
i am not able to snap an object or vertex in a single orientation.
another example:-
if i have two boxes in 3d world and...
How to rotate UV's in max at specific angle?
How to rotate UVs at any specific angle like 25 degree or 30 Degree in Unwrap UVW Mode in 3Ds Max ? I am using Max2011.
How to export morph target animations from Maya??
HI all,
I have created some facial animations of a character in autodesk maya with morph targets. But somehow i am not able to export these animations to use them in unity. right now i am using FBX file format for my animations for Unity.