Swift Programming Basics for Beginner - A 10 Min Video Tutorial
As we all are aware that Swift is new programming
by sandeep.rawat
UiSplitView Controller in Swift
To Create a SplitViewController in swift follow the steps:-
1- Create a new Project.
2- Add a splitViewController.
3- Create a cocoaTouch Class inherits from UIViewController named as DetailViewController
4- Create another CoCoatouchC...
How to shuffle an array
Hi all,
Shuffling an array means randomly re-arranging the content of an array .Shuffling algorithm can be used in many places now days like in card games, music player , media player etc.
Shuffling of an array can be done in two ways.
login to facebook in ios 9.0
to login using facebook in iPhone sdk please use the code below.
install the pods for facebook using
pod "FBSDKCoreKit";
pod "FBSDKLoginKit";
pod "FBSDKShareKit";
pod "FBSDKMessengerShareKit"
import FBSDKLoginKit
Show The Contact List in iOS
To show the list of contact in iPhone use the code Below:
1- import the ContactsUI framwork in viewController
2- Confrom the ViewController to the CNContactPickerDelegate
3- call the delegate method func contactPicker(picker: CNContactPicke...