Installing RVM and Creation of Gemsets Part 2
In the last tutorial we learnt how to install RVM.
by dinesh.singh -
Installing RVM and Creating of Gemsets Part 1
Installing RVM and creating Gemsets can be difficu
by dinesh.singh -
Use pik in Windows
Managing multiple versions of Ruby on Windows can
by anirudh.rautela -
Using Bundler in Rails 2.3.x app
Managing Gems in Rails can be infuriating at times
by anirudh.rautela
Transaction in Rails
As we all know in SQL transaction are used to maintain the integrity of the data, so that if there are multiple queries written, which has a condition that either all of them are executed or none. So for achieving those rails has written the wrap...
Integrating Paypal in Rails Application (Part-2)
Paypal Integration in Rails (continued)
Now, When the user is redirected to the method paypal_url , defined in the model file (order.rb) there we will give the html variables in which we will connect our application to the pa...
Integrating Paypal In Rails Application (Part-1)
Paypal Integration in Rails
As we know that these days many web applications have the functionality and requirements of money transactions. For example today we will take an example, of an e-commerce website or we can say an online shopping we...