Installing RVM and Creation of Gemsets Part 2
In the last tutorial we learnt how to install RVM.
by dinesh.singh -
Installing RVM and Creating of Gemsets Part 1
Installing RVM and creating Gemsets can be difficu
by dinesh.singh -
Use pik in Windows
Managing multiple versions of Ruby on Windows can
by anirudh.rautela -
Using Bundler in Rails 2.3.x app
Managing Gems in Rails can be infuriating at times
by anirudh.rautela
Error- 443: Network is unreachable while installing RVM
If you are setting up RoR on a system, and while installing RVM you get an error like
curl: (7) Failed to connect to get.rvm.io port 443: Network is unreachable
this is due to mis-configured ipv4 & ipv6.
As you already kn...
Listing, Managing and Using Ruby versions
Listing, Managing and Using Ruby versions in Rails application
I am writing this blog to discuss how can we see ruby versions installed in our system. In addition to it this blog
also contains how can we manage them and use different v...
How to create a new gemset & copy an existing gemset into it
We can create a new gemset to install a specific set of gems in it. In this i am copying an existing gemset into a newly created gemset.
1> To list the available gemsets we can type :
rvm gemset list
gemsets for ruby-2.2.3 (found in /...
How to install Rails in a particular gemset for a particular version of Ruby
1> For this we should first confirm the ruby version we are currently on
rvm current
2> To view the list of available gemsets before selecting a particular gemset, we can type
rvm gemset list
gemsets for...
1> We need to install RVM before we can install Ruby, because RVM is a version manager and it will help us to install & manage different versions of Ruby on the same system and easily switch between them.
To install RVM we first need to...
Managing Rails Versions and Gems- Automatically load required version using RVM
If you are using rvm and want to load project specific ruby version and gems automatically when you access the project directory, for this you can use a very simple command
rvm --create --ruby-version use ruby-version-number@gemsetname
Installing RVM and Creation of Gemsets Part 2
In the last tutorial we learnt how to install RVM. In this one we will take one step further by creating Gemsets.
Note - Gemsets are used to eliminate Gem clutter and version mismatches. Also by creating Gemsets we can install multiple version...
Installing RVM and Creating of Gemsets Part 1
Installing RVM and creating Gemsets can be difficult at times. Frown not because in this tutorial we will learn the basics of installing RVM and in part 2 of the tutorial we will be creating Gemsets.
Quick Revision
RVM helps to manage multi...