7 points every software developer should know about Linux administration
Linux is a particular field in itself, however, in
by pravesh.singh -
quick run commands for Windows XP.
here are some useful commands which we can use to
by lalit.bisht -
Linux basics
Here is some basic information about Linux. Lin
by lalit.bisht -
Install Image Magick on linux CentOS
We can easily install image magick on linux centos
by lalit.singh -
How to Clear Skype User Name History from the Log-in screen
When you sign in to Skype, your Skype Log-In name
by sachin.joshi
Why do we use Subnetting
Subnetting is the process of dividing a single network into multiple small networks.
Converting host bits into network bits i.e. converting 0s into 1s
Subnetting helps in minimizing the wastage of IP address.
For Example ...
Basics of IP addressing
What is IP Address ?
IP is an address which is given to each and every device in a network.
It's a logical address given to devices in a network.
It Works in Network layer
IP Versions:
1> IPv4
- 32 bits(represented by 0 and...