7 points every software developer should know about Linux administration
Linux is a particular field in itself, however, in
by pravesh.singh -
quick run commands for Windows XP.
here are some useful commands which we can use to
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Linux basics
Here is some basic information about Linux. Lin
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Install Image Magick on linux CentOS
We can easily install image magick on linux centos
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How to Clear Skype User Name History from the Log-in screen
When you sign in to Skype, your Skype Log-In name
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7 points every software developer should know about Linux administration
Linux is a particular field in itself, however, in the event as a developer you know how to handle some regular assignments. You can get great turn around and also can upgrade your application for execution. Simple and effective organization proc...
Linux basics
Here is some basic information about Linux.
Linux is basically a UNIX operating system, it is a open source OS which is easily available in market, Linux is made with only one thought in mind :- Everything is a file.
Means almost everything y...
Install Image Magick on linux CentOS
We can easily install image magick on linux centos by following the below given steps :
$ yum install make
$ yum install gcc
$ yum install php php-fpm php-devel php-pear
$ yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
$ pecl install imagick
How to copy entire folder in linux
While working on linux we usually need command to copy folder from one location to another , this can be archived by simple console commands in a simple way :
cp -r sourcedir targetdir : Where -r means recursively i.e all the files in a folder...