Download multiple files from media and document in Liferay 6.2
Hello Guys, Liferay store files using media and
by bhagwan.khichar -
Hiding "My Sites" Menu in Docbar in Liferay
You can hide the "My Sites" menu from Liferay Docb
by chandan.ahluwalia
Creating a struts action in Liferay
We can create custom Struts action in Liferay by using Hooks, these type of Hook is called as Liferay Struts Action Hook.
Follow the below steps to create a Struts Action:
Create Liferay Plugin Project of type Hook.
Write the below cod...
Liferay: How to create Custom Action By Hook?
We can modify Liferay JSP, services, properties by using Hooks. One of the main use of Hook is we can implement our Custom Action.
So what is Custom Action?
When you see portal.properties in your liferay source code. You will see there...