Download multiple files from media and document in Liferay 6.2
Hello Guys, Liferay store files using media and
by bhagwan.khichar -
Hiding "My Sites" Menu in Docbar in Liferay
You can hide the "My Sites" menu from Liferay Docb
by chandan.ahluwalia
Override Portlet MVC Action Command in Liferay 7
Hello Programmers,
If you are looking to override a Portlet MVC Action Command then you are at correct place. I'm going to override LoginMVCActionCommand in this example. I'm writing the steps here. Before starting ...
Override Login JSP using Liferay OSGI module
Dear Programmers,
Liferay 7 has been modularized to a great extend, so the most of the JSPs you might want to override are no longer in Liferay's core. Being modularized, Liferay 7 comes with a modular approach to override the co...
Replace or override function on a Liferay native portlet
Liferay have several ways to modify the functionality of a native Liferay portlet and you can extend the functionality.
Liferay provide most hooked functionality is described by using the liferay-hook.xml file located in /docroot/WEB-INF directo...