Cakephp - Using Config.php
We can use config.php in cakephp to define const
by harneet.sethi -
Multiple -Language website USING InternationalizationAND Locale
Hii friends, Many of you when you will start ma
by gaurav.singh -
Fetch feeds from youtube in drupal 7
HTML parser and can fetch data from existing URLs.
by rashi.goyal -
Delete files from folder in cakephp 2.X
If anyone wants to delete file from the folder ca
by rashi.goyal -
how to set a custom message using form_alter in Drupal
At times we need to change the message that is dis
by rashi.goyal
Upload multiple files in Drupal 7
There are lots of modules available for uploading multiple files and images in Drupal 7. Each of them have their own feature and might be suits on your specific requirement.
Here is a list of all available modules for multiple file upload opti...
Recovering Drupal Admin Password from From database
If we forget administrator password in Drupal then it is very easy to recover it using Email or Drush. But situation get tougher when we don't have Drush and email notification enabled.
In this way only database update query is the best way but ...
Drupal 7 views filter by dynamic taxonomy term
If we want to create a list of contents which can be filtered by a taxonomy term the we can use Views 3 contextual filter. This will enable views to get filter from url or also from current node which is being viewed in content area.
Get comp...
Get nodes with the same taxonomy as the current node
Use following steps to create a similar content block for a particular content (Similar contents work on the basis of taxonomy. So first create a taxonomy and assign this to your content type):
1: Create a view with block view.
2: Set fiel...
Implement hook_theme in drupal 7
As per Drupal's definition "A hook is a PHP function that is named foo_bar(), where "foo" is the name of the module (whose filename is thus foo.module) and "bar" is the name of the hook. Each hook has a defined set of parameters and a specified r...
Drupal 7: how to restrict file access to specific user roles
The best way to restrict the file access, is to set default download method to "Private" from Configuration->media->file system.
After making this change we can use Content access module to manage the access of files.
I found this lin...
Create a custom module in Drupal 7 to create a list page of custom content type
Here I am giving a brief idea of creating a custom module for newbie.
For taking an example, I am creating a list of contents of my custom content type.
However for creating custom pages, we can use Views module and it is highly customizabl...
Create excel reports in Drupal 7
PHPExcel library is basically used for creating reports in Excel format. But if we are using Drupal then there is list of contributed modules to achieve this feature and build on top of PHPExcel library.
You can use one of the following module...
Create a custom token for taxonomy in Drupal 7
Taxonomy Token module is very useful for this purpose but only in Drupal 6. As In Drupal 7 The core Taxonomy and Token core modules already offer similar features.
In Drupal 7 Taxonomies are related to nodes through fields of the type Term re...
Create a custom token in Drupal
Drupal in it's core have lots of tokens which are basically shortcode or placeholder for any kind of information related to Node, User or System itself. Get a complete list of available tokens in Drupal from:
How to build complicated block views without using views module
I came under a situation where I have to do lot of sorting and filtration, which was quite hectic doing with views then I found this tutorial which gave me a start where I can do things even without using views.
Please find the reference link ...
How to fix ctools_add_js() not working issue in ctools modal form in drupal 7.x
Hi All,
I am sharing my recent experience with C-Tools modal form, I was adding custom js file in ctools modal form in Drupal 7.x using jQuery version 1.8
and add my code under
but my code didn't...