Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
An Overview of Android Activity - Video Tutorial
As far as Android platform is concerned, the funda
by amit.rai -
How to get IMEI number,serial number and software version of your phone
Hello... Sometimes we need to know the country
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
Search location by using place on google map
Here below is the code for searching places by usi
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
How to know free space in sdcard android
I have written code to know free space in sdcard
by shahbaz.ahmmod
Bar code scanner using Zxing library
There are too many libraries available to read qr code like Zbar and zxing library. Here we are showing how to use Zxing lib to scan qr code :
First of all add dependency in app gradle file :
compile 'me.dm7.barcodescanner:zxing:...
How to read or sync only newly added smses ?
Basically we sync all the smses everytime when user do login in our app but this is time consuming task to do all the time so it would be better and effective if we sync only new smses after last sync.
so basically for the first time we have...
How to read or sync only newly added contact ?
Basically we sync all the contact everytime when user do login in our app but this is time consuming task to do all the time so it would be better and effective if we sync only new contact after last sync.
so basically for the first time we ha...
How to read otp from message inbox if new message contains otp?
//We know that now a days apps like watsapp automatically read otp from messages //so this post will show you how to do that programatically.
//First of all we need Broadcast Reciever that will announce broadcast that a new //message has arr...
Scan document like CS Scanner
This blog is about sample application for Scanning documents like CamScanner.
Jhansi Karee has published library and demo project like CamScanner develop with OpenCv and NDK.
if you want only scan image and getting result t...
How to get crash report using Splunk Mint in Android App
Features of Splunk Mint:-
1) Monitoring slow transactions(track process) from start to finish.
2) Track user activity and events
3) Generate exception logs that occured in app.
4) Debug messages based on platform.
5) Examining errors by part...
Binding data with the layout
Typically, to bind data with the layout i.e with the UI fields we access the view elements in the activity using findViewById() method and then set the values to the views.
This sometimes becomes quite cumbersome when there are large no. of view...
How to create Custm Keyboard in Android?
Hello Guys,
This is very important tutorial through which, we will learn how to create a custom keyboard without using third party library in the android application. This tutorial fully customizes device keyboard. We will go step by step to l...
How to create Pyramid Chart in android?
This tutorial will help you to create a Pyramid chart in android. In this process, pyramid chart shapes look like triangle and divided into multiple sections. Each Sections represent value of entity from provided data set. Follow below steps to c...
How to handle the click event in android RecyclerView
Listview has the callbacks for single click and long click, but the new concept RecyclerView haven't such things like setOnItemClickListener and setOnItemLongClickListener.
RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener is the key of working with Sing...
Installing Blackberry plug-in for Android Studio
With Blackberry plug-in you can package the android apps for blackberry devices i.e can convert .apk applications files to .bar files which are compatible with the blackberry phones.
Also you can debug the applications using ADB proxy manager to...
Create tap on image animation like facebook
In the below example I have created a animation ImageView. When user click the image , then image will appear on full screen, after this when user tab again on image it will be Zoomout like a facebook image tab.
Here In activity_main.xml ...
Saving objects into SharedPreferences
To Save Object values into SharedPreferences, you can use GSON library.
To save objects follow these steps:
Add Gson library dependency in your Gradle (App Level):
dependencies {
compile 'com.google.code....
How to create Animation using XML code in android?
This tutorial will guide you to do animation in android. There are two ways to do animations in android , through XML code or java code. In this tutorial, we are using only first way through XML code. In this tutorial, we are defining animations ...
How to implement Picaso Image Loader Library in Android?
In this tutorial, we will know that how to implement Picasso Library to loading images in android.
This is an open source library to loading images in Android. It provides a functionality to fast processing and caching data into memory. ...
How to implement animation on custom view in android?
In this tutorial, we will know that how to implement animation on our custom view in android through a simple example using a Library AndroidViewAnimations. The Animation is a technique which can effect to any still view. In this tutorial, ...
How to use Image Slider functionality in android?
This tutorial will guide you to implement Image Slider functionality in your project through a simple library. We will complete this tutorial using following some steps.
Step1- Introuduction
An Image Slider is an android feature i...
Page Curl Effect in android
In this tutorial, we will know that how to use page curl effect in android using images. We will discuss complete tutorial step by step .
Step1- Introduction
Page curl effect provides a 2D view while swapping pages using images. In this tut...
How to support multiple language in a application ?
In this tutorial, we will know that how to use multiple language in a single application . We are using four language to show our contents such as English, Russian, German, French. Follow below steps.
Step 1- Prepare string resource for the fo...
How to integrate Firebase in Android?
Hi Friends,
This tutorial will guide to integrate Firebase in android application and store and sync data to Firebase through a very simple example.
We will discuss complete tutorial step by step .
Step 1- Firebase introduction
Circular ImageView
Use the following Java class to create a custom circular ImageView
public class CircleImageView extends ImageView {
private static final ScaleType SCALE_TYPE = ScaleType.CENTER_CROP;
private static final Bitmap....
3D and 2D rotation of a view
Rotating a view in a 2D plane
To rotate a view, we'll create a animation object from a xml file.
First, create a anim folder in /res directory.
Then right-click on the /res directory then navigate to new -> Animation resourc...
How to make Grid View animation in android
By using below code I have implemented GridView animation in android. When you click on any image On Grid View, Image will zoom like popup. In below Adapter class I have used Animator class and I have created a zoomImageFromThumb method for zoomi...
How to use EmojIcon keyboard in android ?
This tutorial will guide you to use EmojIcon keyboard in your app like WhatsApp by using a library code. This is a very easy tutorial to integrated EmojIcon keyboard.
Step 1- Set library project in your application
To set library...
Restricting a View to parentbottom when keyboard appears.
Hello all readers. In this blog,I am going to tell you how to restrict a particular view (Relative or Linear) to be always at parent bottom of your activity even when the keyboards appears.
Lets us first look at the xml, activity_mai...
How to show RecylerView as GridView in Android?
This tutorial will guide you to display a RecylerView list item as GridLayout items. We will use GridLayoutManager rather than LinearLayoutManager with RecylerView adapter. Here, we will discuss all required stuff's to complete this project s...
Basics of LocalBroadcastManager
If you want to send broadcasts within your application, LocalBroadcastManager is a more suitable option than sending global broadcast as:
1. The broadcasts sent by LocalBroadCastmanager can only be recieved inside the application s...
How to get longitude and latitude from address in Google map?
In the below example blog I have Implemented a Google map to get lat and long from address, In Google map I have added search address functionality. When user input address(place) name in an EditText and on clicking button, the application draws ...
Android convert Text to Speech using TextToSpeech engine.
In this tutorial, we will know that how to convert a text into speech. Android has a predefined convert engine called TextToSpeech which converts text words in speech.
You can use this feature in many application such as a dictionary applicati...
Media Player Android Basics
A newbie in Android development comes across Media player usage in his/her project. So in this blog, I am here to tell you the basic of media player. One can use android inbuilt media player or can customize media player according to the nee...
Android Star Rating
This tutorial will guide you to implement Rating Bar View in android in an application with a simple example. Follow some below steps to get RatingBar functionality in android.
Step 1: Introduction
Sometimes we need to give RatingBar View t...
How to add marker with Infowindow in google map?
In the below example code I have described to add a marker with Infowindow. Here I have used array list for adding marker items, then I have created plotMarkers method, in this method, it will addMarker by passing MarkerOptions as a paramet...
Upload Multiple APK with same package name.
Google Play has a feature to publish multiple apk with the same package name and different device configuration. For multiple apk's each apk has different version code and signed with the same certificate.
This feature is useful while your...
Upload files to server using Volley Library as a HTTP multipart request
We have to extend Request class of Volley library to upload files to server.
The steps to include this class is as follows:
Make changes to build.gradle file (Application level)
Add the following codes inside android{.....} are...
How to create a PDF file in android?
This tutorial will help you to generate a PDF file in Android. Follow below steps to generate PDF file.
Step 1 :- First download .jar files from following URL and put it into your application's libs folder.
Download URL:- http...
Getting tweets using latest Twitter Rest API's
Hello, Everyone.
In this blog, I am going to tell you how to use twitter fabric to get tweets in your application. But before going ahead, I am assuming that you have successfully installed fabric in your Android studio and if not, please read...
Capturing signature
To capture a signature, a custom view is created. This view works like a signature pad and you can get the signature drawn over the view by calling getImage() method.
The image is retrieved in bitmap format and can be further processed like stor...
How to drag and drop View in android from one position to another position?
In this tutorial, we will learn to move layout view from one position to another position. We are using Draggable Layout, its a user interface which elements can rearrange from one position to another position. To drag an element just press over ...
Installing twitter fabric to your android studio
Follow the steps to install twitter fabric
Open Android studio
Click File--->Settings.--->Plugins
In Search box,search ''fabric for android studio''
Set custom font to TextView from XML android.
In Android development if we want to set custom font to any Button or TextView then we need to do this programmatically.
There is some tricks to set fonts from xml i.e custom Views.
There are steps to do that.
1. Create c...
How to use predicates in android or java 8 ?
Do you have lots of data of an employee and you want to filter it without using database query then you can use predicates that also provides you queries on beans or model class.
Basically predicates comes from predicate function that returns ...
Android Ripple Effect on Any View.
This tutorial will help you to implement ripple effect on any type of view such as Button, TextView, and ImageView using material ripple. You can also customize ripple effect color. We can implement ripple effect from two ways.
1- Programmatic...
Distributing Android application to Specific Screens
In this post, you will learn how to distribute your android application to specific devices. You can choose the screens for that you want to distribute your application like only for tablets or only for mobile phones.
You can publish two versi...
Intent and its type in android.
Intent:- Intent is a message object that passed between android components such as broadcast receiver, services, activity, content providers etc. Android provide facilities to communicate between components using intent in several ways, there are...
How to create Dynamic BroadCast Receiver in Android?
In this tutorial, we have defined a simple way for creating a dynamic broadcast receiver with a just single activity which has a dynamic broadcast receiver in it. This Activity has two buttons on one button click registered dynamic broadcast rece...
How to reduce APK size android
This blog is about reducing apk size with little tricks.
1. Use Proguard. :- Proguard main feature are Obfuscation and shrinking. Obfuscation is prevent from reverse engineering. Shrinking eliminates unused code and shrink code and r...
How to drag, drop and swipe in Android RecylerView?
Hello Friends,
This tutorial will help you to implement "drag & drop" and "swipe" functionality with Recyclerview items. There are many different ways to implement this features but we are using really a simple wa...
Calling application methods from WebView in android
Sometimes it is required to show useful information to the user in android App and in that case,WebView is very useful.But to access WebView,we need to develop a two-way connection between application and WebView.
Here I will show you the best...
Activity launch modes in android
This blog will help you to understand the launch mode of android activity. In this tutorial, we will know the type of launch mode and where to use them according to our need in the application. First, we will explain about term 'task'.
How to expand TextView?
Hi Friends,
This blog will help you to expand TextView if textview has more than given line. Suppose you want visible only four line first time in TextView while your message length is greater than four line. In this case, you can give an anot...